Basic Digital Marketing

13 Digital Marketing Trends in 2020 – A Look Into New Tech, Strategies, and Consumer Behaviour

13 Digital Marketing Trends in 2020 – A Look Into New Tech, Strategies, and Consumer Behaviour

In between the many permanent fixtures of digital marketing in 2020 are upcoming trends maximizing clicks, sales, engagement, and attention from consumers. As a reaction to new behaviours and tech in the marketplace, trending strategies are proving to be incredibly advantageous to new and existing brands looking to increase market share.

Just like the rise of smartphones forever changed the way we market roughly a decade ago, there’s all sorts of new trends in digital marketing that are setting business growth on fire in 2020! Though these won’t apply to every brand, there are certainly at least a few strategies here to employ in your next campaign. Here are 13 digital marketing trends in 2020 to watch for.

Is AR or VR better for digital marketing?

Augmented reality and virtual reality are go-to digital marketing components, already used by IKEA, Michael Kors, Starbucks, Nivea, L’Oreal, and Volkswagen among other brands. Last year was the technology’s biggest market year yet, and in the months to come the value of VR and AR marketing is expected to grow to $200 billion. The biggest downside to using VR and AR is affordability, with most small businesses priced out. That said, with popularity and adoption hopefully will come lower costs in the future.

How Can I Use LinkedIn for Social Selling – Re-Interpreting a Classic Sales Approach

How Can I Use LinkedIn for Social Selling – Re-Interpreting a Classic Sales Approach

LinkedIn boasts a massive user base of professional-minded people, brands, B2B sales opportunities, and more. Have you ever used it to do some old-fashioned cold-pitching – most haven’t. Sadly, though an effective sales strategy, this style of cold-calling or ‘direct marketing’ isn’t taken on by many.

We advocate for a re-think to anyone who has dismissed this type of old-fashioned sales technique. It may not be the most advanced or trendiest strategy for LinkedIn but it gets you results. In fact, big rewards exist for those who make the effort to gather new prospects, pursue leads, and focus on getting the word out. No matter what you’re selling, LinkedIn social selling strategies can help you boost engagement. Here are some tips, tools, and guidance on how to sell on social media the right way.

What is social selling?

Social selling is cold-calling prospects to find leads. It’s a classic lead generation technique, focused solely on generating interest and leads. This used to happen in the form of calling individuals from the phone book or door-to-door sales. On LinkedIn and other forms of social media, this selling’s done a little differently.

Are You Using Storytelling on Social Media – Tap into Emotion and Self-Need

Are You Using Storytelling on Social Media – Tap into Emotion and Self-Need

From an early age, we are told stories. Those that resonate with us at an emotional level are remembered and they come to transcend into something more meaningful. When we’re discussing social media marketing strategies, and in particular those that work the best, it’s storytelling which plays a key role in many of them.

The ability to tell a story can involve many things. For some, it’s a simple beginning, middle, and end. For others, it’s about introducing a conflict and resolving. It can be a moral lesson, entertainment, abstract, or strongly emotional. When you’re building a brand on social media, your ability to tell a story should be front and center. When a user sees a brand as more than commerce and a representation of something with true meaning – that’s when they click, convert, and start to associate themselves with a brand.

What’s the best storytelling strategy for social media marketing?

You social media posts should deliver a rich message, delivered in a story. Seeing the same sort of sales pitch that every other brand like yours has isn’t going to win you as much attention as telling a story. But what story do you tell – well, one that resonates and that hinges on who your audience is. Your story also must be authentic which relies on you and what your company represents. The best stories connect a real, truthful company message to the interests and emotions of the intended user.

Why is My SEO Not Working – See the Reasons Why and How to Fix It

Why is My SEO Not Working – See the Reasons Why and How to Fix It

“My website isn’t ranking. Can you help?” We get this question all the time. So you’ve created one heck of a website, packed with engaging content and keywords in what you’ve been told are all the right places. Yet, for some reason, your website is nowhere to be found on Google. You’re not getting the clicks you want and the clicks you are getting don’t relate close to keywords you’re targeting.

SEO is harder than it seems. It’s not just about publishing quality content and a fast, mobile responsive website. Plenty of other variables come into play – a lot you can control but others which cannot. You’re working against competition as well. If you think you deserve a higher ranking than what Google is providing you, let’s look at reasons why your SEO isn’t working and how to fix them.

You aren’t link building

The more high quality websites you have linking to your site, the more authority and legitimacy you’re giving yourself in the eyes of Google. Sometimes in SEO we don’t target links or comparatively, we target low quality links. These don’t work. Enact a link building strategy that focuses on high quality links. Once you’re supporting your website with good quality links, this demonstrates to search engine crawlers that you’re worthy a high rank.

What You Need to Know About How to Succeed in eCommerce Marketing in 2020!

What You Need to Know About How to Succeed in eCommerce Marketing in 2020!

No eCommerce brand gets to the top of Google, social media, and achieves their marketing goals without intelligence in strategy and a few key traits. This article will divulge key trends in eCommerce marketing in 2020 and how to succeed in this high-competition category. If your target for the next twelve months is to sell more and grow your brand, here are a few recommendations and sales strategies on how to do exactly that.

How important is an intuitive eCommerce website?

Before we delve into more advanced eCommerce marketing strategies, we’ve got to acknowledge the importance of having an intuitively designed website. Your navigation bar should include all products divided into categories. Integrate a search function that allows searching by keyword, which helps get a customer to a desired product in as little time as possible.

How do I write simple, detailed eCommerce product descriptions?

The simpler your eCommerce web design, the easier it will be for customers to shop and buy. Product descriptions shouldn’t waste time. State plainly what you’re offering. Use researched keywords to strengthen SEO. Include a list of all specifications. You want to give as much information as possible that would be relevant to a sale. You don’t want a customer to have questions and be on the fence about whether to buy or not.

What Can You Expect in Social Media Marketing in 2020 – Stats, Facts, and Tips

What Can You Expect in Social Media Marketing in 2020 – Stats, Facts, and Tips

Since inception, social media has been in constant change. Algorithms for organic reach in marketing have nearly disappeared, new platforms have arisen, old platforms have lost user attention, and more. What’s ahead for social media marketing in 2020 – we’ve got stats, facts, predictions, and strategies we think are worth paying attention to as we welcome in a new year.

Segmentation between platforms

Only so much time on a person’s hands, expect social media platforms in 2020 to become increasingly segmented with demographics exclusively held by certain networks. As a brand, targeting specific audiences will become easier although this could also bring in increased competition as well.

Easier eCommerce social purchasing functions

Do you use social media marketing to sell eCommerce products and reach new audience? Social media platforms like Instagram, Pinterest, and Facebook are fully aware that eCommerce businesses use them to connect with new customers. Facebook, in particular, has become extremely eCommerce-friendly and other platforms are expected to follow. Expect 2020 to continue in the trend of it being easier than ever to shop and buy products right off a social platform.

SEO or Content Marketing, What’s Better – See Why Traditional SEO Has Expired!

SEO or Content Marketing, What’s Better – See Why Traditional SEO Has Expired!

You may be looking at the terms ‘content marketing’ and ‘SEO’ side by side, and be thinking, “Aren’t they the same thing?” The answer is that though they are very similar, they’re actually quite different as well.

SEO’s as important as ever in generating organic reach for a new or existing website. The truth however is that content marketing’s a stronger investment long-term for any brand. With SEO algorithms always at risk of changing, a traditional approach to search engine optimization is outdated and dangerous to spend a lot of time on. Here’s why your long-term digital strategy should center on content over search optimization.

What is the purpose of SEO?

SEO, aka search engine optimization, is a set of strategies that involve getting your website or content to rank at the top of search engines. Though SEO involves content marketing strategies, it’s primarily technical in the sense that it’s about getting the technical specifications right i.e. descriptions, keywords, meta data, headers, and general coding.

This Article Will Help You Find the Right Hashtags on Instagram Marketing to Reach More People

This Article Will Help You Find the Right Hashtags on Instagram Marketing to Reach More People

Have you ever looked at your Instagram digital marketing campaign and thought you weren’t reaching anywhere near the amount of people you wanted – so many do. Instagram’s highly popular as a social media platform, running entirely on people-to-people connection and hashtags. That’s right, we’re talking hashtags.

How you use them, which hashtags are right for Instagram marketing, and frequency of use are all important. Great campaigns are built off hashtags. Instagram success doesn’t happen by accident. Careful practices are used to gain more and more exposure, primarily through the selection of hashtags. For those that may be unskilled in this area or simply looking to brush up some knowledge on the most effective way to go about social media hashtags, consider the following.

Why hashtags on Instagram are important

Instagram hashtags can connect a brand with new customers who’ve not yet heard of them or who don’t follow them directly. They expand your reach significantly, can drop you into a conversation happening culturally where you get more exposure, and more. Instagram users follow hashtags, scouring new accounts for relevant posts in a social media conversation developed around their favourites.

How to Use Google Analytics to Hack Your SEO and Get Results!

How to Use Google Analytics to Hack Your SEO and Get Results!

Google Analytics is a goldmine of data for not only how your SEO is performing today but its potential for the future. Your website, for example, may be getting additional search traffic you didn’t expect on keywords you weren’t aware of. Many companies choose to invest in paid keyword research tools and SEO oversight software but Analytics remains as one of our favourites.

What sort of SEO information can I see in Analytics?

As the most popular SEO software for high quality small business websites, Analytics can share information like the average page ranking, click-through rates, and how much your pages are appearing in Google search results. This information is traditionally used to determine how successful a given campaign is. There are ways to dig deeper into Analytics though and flip the purpose of the app on its head, using it as an optimization tool.

Connect Google Analytics with Google Search Console

If you want to maximize the full scope of information you’re getting from Google Analytics, you have to sync it up with your Google Console. Integrate one into the other by first signing into Analytics and then selecting your website to connect to Console. Choose ‘Admin’ in the left taskbar, navigate to where you want to enable Console data sharing, and select ‘Property Settings’. Choose ‘Adjust Search Console’. Your website’s URL should be there which confirms it’s verified. Once completed, you’ll be able to access search console reports under Analytics’ Console tab and then under ‘Acquisition’, then ‘Search Console’, and then ‘Queries’.

This Article Will Help You Use Social Media Marketing for Holiday Shopping, Gift Buying, and More

This Article Will Help You Use Social Media Marketing for Holiday Shopping, Gift Buying, and More

Late November into December, it’s prime time to amp up social media marketing and eCommerce strategies to get consumers buying from your brand. Every year though, the noise out there on the Internet grows and the competition becomes fiercer.

As marketers ourselves, we don’t want to see any brand investing in strategies that don’t work or going down a path that isn’t going to lead to anywhere. So for this holiday season December through to January, here are some tips, tricks, and pointers in this ultimate guide to using social media marketing to sell more.

Start early

The best advice anyone can give for a successful holiday eCommerce marketing campaign or holiday digital marketing is to start as early as possible. Ideally, this should be around October 28-29. This then gives enough time for Halloween to pass and sets you up to attract as many gift buyers as possible throughout November to January. For this year, obviously, we are right in the heart of the holiday season so it’s late advice. For next year though, remember!

8 Types of Content Marketing Guaranteed to Help You Sell More and Make More Money

8 Types of Content Marketing Guaranteed to Help You Sell More and Make More Money

Every business, brand, personality, or organization has to sell something in order to sustain themselves. Be it products, services, or the brand itself, selling and sales are the most crucial component of long-term success in any category of business.

In content marketing, we prioritize creating the best quality content possible. This means to write and release content that resonates with one’s target audience, and which contributes value. Content can come in many forms, some more effective than others.

If you want to make the most from your brand’s potential and any existing marketing campaign you may be running, know you can make more money and sell more product with content marketing as a focus.

For the purposes of stretching your dollar as far as it can go and to maximize your return on investment, here are the 8 most effective types of content marketing guaranteed to help your business reach more customers and drive revenues.

What’s the Best Digital Marketing Strategy for the 2019 Holiday Season – Get Ready to Sell!

What’s the Best Digital Marketing Strategy for the 2019 Holiday Season – Get Ready to Sell!

With the arrival and passing of Black Friday, this marks one of the most competitive times of year across almost all eCommerce and online shopping platforms. It’s the holiday season! Every business that might have fallen behind on their numbers earlier in the year, with the right digital marketing holiday strategy, can boost engagement and potentially get their year to where it needs to be.

Did you know over 50 percent of all holiday shopping happens online – it’s true! Every year, more people are shopping online. In an effort to get you the biggest piece of the holiday online shopping frenzy, your 2019 holiday digital marketing strategy begins here.

Target locally and be specific

Everybody’s going to have launched some version of a holiday or Christmas marketing campaign. You’ve got to cut through the noise. The best way to do that is to target locally. Be specific in audience targeting. Consider digital marketing messages that make reference to local events, language or customs. Be local in your eCommerce holiday SEO keywords as well. This will help a great deal in reaching relevant customers in your marketplace.

How Do You Measure Success in Video Marketing – Look to the Metrics!

How Do You Measure Success in Video Marketing – Look to the Metrics!

Over 45 percent of consumers online watch at least one video every day on platforms like YouTube, Facebook Video, and others. If you know where to target your video, the rewards can be huge!

In fact, video is such a favored content type among Internet users that 80 percent of traffic is video. In recent years, YouTube’s overall mobile video consumption has increased 100 percent year over year. Needless to say, video marketing is on the rise!

Though more digital marketing campaigns are using video, few brands actually know how to determine whether a video strategy is successful or not. Measuring success is extremely challenging, without analytics. Thankfully, there’s more than a few places to look for info.

Why Using a Social Cause to Connect to Your Millennial Audience is Still a Smart Approach

Why Using a Social Cause to Connect to Your Millennial Audience is Still a Smart Approach

Social causes as a form of marketing is a controversial subject, with some describing it as misleading and manipulative. Regardless of what one’s take on using charity or a social cause marketing, there’s no questioning its effectiveness with younger generations.

Why we do it

Social cause marketing is believed to have begun in the mid-1970s through a joint campaign between the Marriot Corporation and the March of Dimes. The Marriot promoted their family entertainment complex in California while raising funds for the March of Dimes cause, which succeeded at promoting the corporation as well as the cause. Since then, so many others have followed suit with joint charity campaigns. In this era of increased consumer awareness and interest in causes such as the environment, brands win major points when they engage.

What is your brand doing?

This Article Will Help You Turn Around Bad SEO into an Optimized Website in 12 Easy Steps

This Article Will Help You Turn Around Bad SEO into an Optimized Website in 12 Easy Steps

Wait, do I have bad SEO? This is a question a lot of web designers, entrepreneurs, and business owners ask themselves. If you do find this to be the case, don’t worry. Though bad SEO has consequences long-term, the quicker you make a change, the closer you’ll to deriving some benefit from your strategy.

What is bad SEO?

Bad SEO can be happen out of clumsiness or lack of experience, more common than not. Alternatively, bad SEO can also happen with so-called ‘experts’ who use black hat SEO techniques. Black hat SEO are outdated strategies used to ‘hack’ SEO and often involve illegal means of ranking your site higher. In almost every case, black hat SEO strategies are eventually discovered and when they are, a site gets penalized. If you find your site has bad SEO, it’s no reason to panic.

What is a Digital Marketing KPI and How to Choose Yours

What is a Digital Marketing KPI and How to Choose Yours

KPI stands for ‘Key Performance Indicator’. They provide insight into how well a digital marketing campaign is working, measuring performance in very specific ways. On more complex campaigns, there are dozens and sometimes hundreds of KPIs being tracked. As you set up a strategy for your brand, knowing where to start with KPIs and what to choose count for a lot.

How important are KPIs in digital marketing?

KPIs can refer to any aspect of a digital marketing strategy, ranging from productivity to sales, revenues, consumer behaviour, and more. KPIs are important in digital marketing because numbers matter. If you launch a strategy that you don’t know whether it’s working or not, continually spending money on it could be going down the wrong path.

If KPIs aren’t producing the results you desire, you can adapt strategy or figure out where the problem is. For this reason, the KPIs you choose for your digital marketing campaign is highly important. Choose the wrong KPIs and you won’t have the information you need to make an informed decision on whether a given strategy is producing or not.

Keys to a healthy collection of KPIs

You won’t just be choosing one KPI to determine a strategy as a success or failure. Quality over quantity though. Choose metrics and KPIs that are clearly attached to a written out objective or target. You want objective data and ideally, a forecast for what you expect the data to be as well as where you want the numbers to go in the future.

Content Marketing Myths You May Not Realize Are Ruining Your Campaign

Content Marketing Myths You May Not Realize Are Ruining Your Campaign

Content marketing comes with a lot of formulas, advice, truths, and myths, all ready to lead brands down sometimes questionable pathways. Like other marketing channels, content marketing a la articles, blogs, guest blogs, social media content promotion, email content promotion, etc. is evolving. If the value your content brings isn’t immediate and aggressively apparent, you’re done.

Over the course of decades, in this evolution, many myths and misconceptions about content marketing have crept in. Old ideas have faded or outlived their usefulness, while others are hanging on waiting for any day now when they lose effectiveness. Here are some common content marketing myths to watch out for as well as advice on how to maneuver around them.

More is better

The more content you put out, the more noise you’re creating but noise isn’t always good, especially when it’s just noise. Go for quality over quantity. If you’ve got more content to put out, absolutely do it but be smart about when, why, and what. Don’t inundate your audience with massive amounts of low quality, generic content every day. Instead of investing all resources towards shoving out content after content, develop strategically chosen articles released on a schedule.

There’s no point in trying to rank for SEO

Keyword stuffing, amassing low quality backlinks, and other SEO strategies that no longer work might suggest to some that organic SEO rankings are a waste of time as a content marketing objective – wrong! Search engine algorithms are still very much responsible for what content is seen or ignored. Get yourself an experienced SEO team ready to elevate your content with engaging content approaches, properly written code, keyword optimization, and more. SEO is not a digital strategy to be forgotten about.

What is a Chatbot – See Why Chatbots Are the Future of Web Design

What is a Chatbot – See Why Chatbots Are the Future of Web Design

Chatbots have become an expected integration into most businesses’ web design, providing users the opportunity to find information that cannot be located on-site or gain access to a software-supported AI.

What is a chatbot?

A chatbot is a computer program that’s designed to communicate with human users. Programmed to work independent from any human interaction, a chatbot is essentially a type of artificial intelligence.

The use of chatbots among small business websites

The industry and market around chatbots is expected to grow to $1.2 billion by 2025. Why there exists this level of growth around chatbots has to do with many consumers’ preferences to communicate with chatbots for customer service inquiries. The demand of users has resulted in business website owners ramping up chatbot use, conducting AI-influenced conversations in greater numbers than ever. They are boosting sales and engagement in a big way, helping business achieve objectives in impressive fashion.

What Are the Top 10 Social Media Sites to Use in Your Digital Marketing for 2020 – see the list!

What Are the Top 10 Social Media Sites to Use in Your Digital Marketing for 2020 – see the list!

The love-hate of social media is what we thrive on, integral to the lives of millennials to seniors. Connecting us all to the ones we love no matter the distance, it’s that potential of connection which brings us together with it.

From a business standpoint, social media marketing campaigns have proven to be huge lead generators. Brands must divide their time, effort, and money strategically though. Some social channels simply aren’t going to work while others will show themselves to be optimal.

As an example, Facebook’s a very popular platform but even this channel can be a wrong investment for the right brand. Here’s the top social media platforms to watch for in 2020, in developing your campaign.

Questions to ask when building a social media marketing campaign

What Marketing Trends Are Most Likely to Dominate in 2020 for Digital-Based Brands

What Marketing Trends Are Most Likely to Dominate in 2020 for Digital-Based Brands

It’s no surprise digital marketing continues to take the business world by storm, growing and evolving every year. New trends, techniques, and strategies are on the rise all to counter new algorithms. To keep up with how to best reach audience, staying on the cusp of emerging marketing trends in 2020 is central.


Continuing to emerge as a major trend, augmented reality and virtual reality both are surging forward although are far from coming to reach their full potential. IKEA is one of the more publicized uses of AR, using it to help consumers visualize IKEA furniture in their own homes. How can you use AR or VR in a small business digital marketing campaign? 2019 never quite got us there, in terms of giving general websites and brands that opportunity. It remains to be seen if technology and coding will progress to the point where this is the case in 2020.

Is there meaning?

Consumers want to know the companies they’re buying from align with their views and understands their perspective. Is there meaning behind your brand, products, services or marketing – there should be. This may be attaching your brand to a non-controversial social cause, donating to a charity or cause, or building a community around something that’s passionate to you. A corporation that just exists to be a corporation is quickly losing favor in consumer eyes. Explode your growth and give a purchase from your brand meaning.

How to Use Instagram to Attract Customers and Create Conversation Around Your Brand

How to Use Instagram to Attract Customers and Create Conversation Around Your Brand

Instagram is the #1 social media platform in the world right now, with massive user growth, hundreds of millions of active monthly users, and a big youth movement. Attract customers through Instagram digital marketing, create conversation, and turn engagement into revenues. Here’s how.

Who’s on Instagram?

More than 35 percent of Internet users have an Instagram account. The majority of Instagram users are women between 18 and 29. A lot of Instagram accounts belong to users from outside the United States as well, which makes it an ideal platform to reach local and international audiences alike. That said, not everyone is on Instagram. Older audiences aren’t. Business professionals aren’t. Instagram is a specific platform, with an audience of under-30, visual-driven users. If this is the audience you are targeting, you’re in the right place.

Use Instagram software

Instagram apps, software, and tools exist to help you get posts out, grow followers, and get attention. There are tools to craft high quality images and video, editing them quickly to a professional level. There are content management software that allow you to post or time out postings. There are also media management programs that keep all your images and videos in one place. This is just where to start. There is a lot of other software and apps that do amazing things with social media platforms like Instagram. They’re well worth checking into.

White Hat SEO and Black Hat SEO, What You Can Learn From Both

White Hat SEO and Black Hat SEO, What You Can Learn From Both

In the world of search engine optimization or SEO as the digital marketing world has come to shorten it to, there is what’s called ‘white hat tactics’ and ‘black hat tactics’. White hat SEO represents good, reliable SEO work while black hat SEO stands for risky SEO hacks that could penalize your site or if Google finds out you’re using these strategies could result in really bad consequences.

For years, black hat SEO was a serious problem. Spammy sites would use black hat SEO to rank high on Google, until the popular search engine started to get smart about it. Algorithms slowly adapted and nowadays many say there’s pretty much no such thing as black hat SEO. This is because if an SEO marketing hacker tries anything of the sort, Google will probably catch it. Unfortunately, there are still some who think they can hack Google’s SEO algorithms and that tends to put your site at risk.

The relationship between black hat and white hat SEO explained further

Black hat SEO wasn’t always considered ‘cheating’. In fact, black hat SEO strategies like blog comment spam were widely used. It was only once Google’s algorithms started to change and the company began to address SEO techniques they would no longer tolerate that black hat strategies became banned.

Today’s black hat SEO specialists try to find loopholes to exploit in the existing search engine optimization algorithms to get a higher ranking. Comparatively, white hat SEO specialist take a less aggressive approach focusing on how to satisfy the algorithm. A white hat SEO approach zeroes in on optimization on-site, keyword research, backlinks, high-value content, and more.

WhatsApp is a Growing Social Platform, What is its Digital Marketing Potential

WhatsApp is a Growing Social Platform, What is its Digital Marketing Potential

WhatsApp is the world’s #1 messaging application, exceeding the popularity of iMessage, Facebook Messenger, and other competing software. The app shows no signs of giving up dominance in this market which has led the digital marketing world to take notice. What if a company could take this platform and spin it into something that could generate clicks?

A little history about WhatsApp

WhatsApp was founded in 2009 as a means of sending text messages, photos, and voice messages through the Internet by encrypted means. In 2014, WhatsApp was acquired by Facebook for an estimated $19.3 billion which at the time made it the most popular messenger app of all-time. In countries like Brazil, India, Pakistan, the UK, and France, it continues to be a preferred method of communication.

WhatsApp consumer statistics

WhatsApp as a potential digital marketing opportunity and social media platform should be evaluated on its consumer base and its use. Here is a little bit about what we know in terms of WhatsApp user behaviour.

 WhatsApp has more than 1.6 billion monthly active users which is comparable to social platforms like Facebook and Instagram. More than 180 countries are represented in WhatsApp’s user base, and in 133 of these, it is the primary one-to-one messaging application.
 Every day, over 100 million videos and 700 million photos are shared on the app.
 WhatsApp’s messaging system handles more than 10 billion messages every day, which many have compared to WhatsApp being to SMS messaging what Skype is to video conferencing and international calling.

How to Use Facebook Video Marketing to Appeal to a Mature, Adult Audience

How to Use Facebook Video Marketing to Appeal to a Mature, Adult Audience

A decade ago, Facebook was a cool, young, and hip platform for millennials to get on and connect with one another. Then, everybody and their parents joined, and Facebook became a little less cool. Then, Instagram, Twitter, and other social platforms rose up and suddenly the concept of social media wasn’t so fresh anymore. The youth moved to these other platforms where growth in the user base among younger people continues.

This actually hasn’t been a bad thing for Facebook. Let’s face it. The world’s not only full of younger people. There are parents, grandparents, and plenty of other people who want to connect and enjoy social media. For all those other more mature, adult-oriented audience, Facebook’s still an important destination. The site remains one of the world’s biggest social platforms and one that every social media marketing campaign must have in its plan.

Why video is important to Facebook

There are so many areas to exploit in social media marketing on Facebook. Why video is so important is because this is where consumer behaviour is headed. More people are consuming videos in rising numbers. On social media, videos are the posts that get the most engagement and they are also what seems to have the most impact on consumers. As a high value digital marketing content marketing tool, video will be a key to going forward.

Facebook recognizes this which is why the platform has been feverishly developing its video functionality. Every social media platform from Instagram to Snapchat has tapped into video marketing but Facebook has something unique – an older, more experienced audience. If you want to reach younger people, there are better platforms to use. If you want to speak to a professional, family-oriented, or adult over-25 audience, Facebook’s exactly where to set your sights.

What You Need to Know About Influencer Marketing on Facebook – Tips, Tricks, and Strategies

What You Need to Know About Influencer Marketing on Facebook – Tips, Tricks, and Strategies

Social media’s a competitive place for influencers. Every account is on rented space. Every influencer’s competing for attention, likes, shares, and engagement. If you’re unfamiliar with influencer marketing as a tool for your brand to succeed in social media marketing, this may be a technique to go beyond the limitations of organic algorithms and PPC, and get you the revenues you want.

Why influencers are important?

Influencers are a sort of hack around the uncertainty of organic digital marketing strategies like SEO. Influencer marketing works from stone cold statistics. Here are 3 facts any brand marketer should remember about using influencers.

 Brands see a 37% higher retention rate when they receive a customer from a recommendation made to the customer from a trusted source.
 77% of influencers are more likely to buy from a sponsor, which means a paid influencer could potentially one day become a natural brand supporter.
 Word-of-mouth generates double the sales of paid advertising.

What is the best influencer for my brand?

There is no definite rule when it comes to which influencer is best for a brand. Something more appropriate to one industry may not be the same to the next. Ultimately, there are three types of influencers – micro-influencers which carry 1,000 to 100,000 followers, macro-influencers which carry 100,000 to 500,000 followers, and mega-influencers which have 500,000 to over 1 million followers. You don’t need a mega-influencer to succeed. Oftentimes a micro-influencer with a strong engagement level and one that’s relevant to your target audience is needed.