Basic Digital Marketing

3 Digital Marketing Tactics Essential for Long-Term Business Success

3 Digital Marketing Tactics Essential for Long-Term Business Success

Leave your competition behind by using digital marketing to elevate your brand beyond its limitations. In market competition, brands are either on their way up or down. There’s no in-between. If you’re serious about ensuring your long-term business success continues indefinitely, digital marketing is somewhere you may want to focus on.

Write Linkable Content and see your Link Building Potential Explode!

Write Linkable Content and see your Link Building Potential Explode!

Using content with a focus on link building, anyone can get sites linking direct to your content which is great for giving you more attention from both visitors and search engines. Producing linkable content is not always easy though.

When is the Best Time to Start Holiday Marketing Online – read here!

When is the Best Time to Start Holiday Marketing Online – read here!

Going out into retail this past Halloween, you may have noticed a lot of Canadian retail stores had already switched their Halloween decorations out in favor of holiday decorations. Even more surprising, there’s a lot of shoppers enjoying the early holiday shopping and already doing some of their Christmas décor shopping. That says a lot about how lucrative the holidays are. Is it time for your brand to start holiday marketing online – hold on because the answer varies.

Tips, Tricks, and Strategies on LinkedIn Marketing, and How to Do it Successfully

Tips, Tricks, and Strategies on LinkedIn Marketing, and How to Do it Successfully

As the world’s largest social media site for professionals, LinkedIn is a great place to market and advertise. Though LinkedIn is very much its unique social media platform, there’s plenty of tricks and hacks which can be used to maximize exposure on the site.

How to Curate Content across your SEO and Maximize the Long-Term Benefits

How to Curate Content across your SEO and Maximize the Long-Term Benefits

In digital marketing, ‘content curating’ is recognized as the process of selecting topics relevant to your audience and using these to produce unique, high quality content. Note that these topics may have already been used for content in the past but can be re-used in a curated strategy to produce new pieces.

Deliver a Coherent Digital Marketing Campaign for your Brand

Deliver a Coherent Digital Marketing Campaign for your Brand

Planning a digital campaign falters when there is not cohesiveness and coherency in messaging. Inexperienced marketers run into this issue all the time. They focus too much on diversity of messaging in their marketing materials and end up with an inconsistent marketing plan.

Applying the Strategies of Popular Influencers to your Brand

Applying the Strategies of Popular Influencers to your Brand

Influencer marketing is a powerful tool to building a brand. To reach your goals with influencer marketing, there’s a few things to learn.

Digital marketing is more crowded and competitive than ever. For brands to break through with an influencer, choosing the right influencer and the right strategy is required.

5 Ways on How to Run a Social Media Marketing Campaign that’s Effective and Engaging

5 Ways on How to Run a Social Media Marketing Campaign that’s Effective and Engaging

Social media advertising is high profile, innovative, and produces results. Utilizing text, PPC ads, images, infographics, video, and social connections, one can achieve a brand’s target goals at lesser costs than is paid on television advertisements, billboards, and more. Although there’s lucrative reward out there in the world of social media marketing, there are also no barriers to entry meaning competition is high. If you want to create the perfect social media marketing campaign that’s effective and engaging, here are 5 ways how.

What were 2018’s Most Common SEO Mistakes and How to Learn from These in 2019

What were 2018’s Most Common SEO Mistakes and How to Learn from These in 2019

SEO is a marketing discipline that is ever-changing, adapting to algorithm changes, consumer behaviour, and trends in the digital world. Though a great way to increase traffic and achieve revenues, it’s incredibly easy to make mistakes that could penalize your site. These are some of the more common blunders we’ve found analyzing sites across North America. Hopefully, 2019 can learn a lot from 2018’s biggest SEO mistakes. Here they are!

Influencer Marketing continues to Grow in Big Jumps towards 2019

Influencer Marketing continues to Grow in Big Jumps towards 2019

Influencer marketing is experiencing exponential growth in a way digital marketing has never seen before. Brands have been using celebrities and influencers for years as a way to sponsor their products and/or services. Today, with the growth of the Internet, there’s never been more influencers to choose from. At their various levels of popularity and relevance, it’s easier than ever for even smaller businesses to maximize their influencer marketing strategies.

How Important is my Landing Page to my Digital Marketing – read here!

How Important is my Landing Page to my Digital Marketing – read here!

If you’re new to the world of digital marketing, you may not know what a landing page is. Those serious about finding success in their digital marketing campaigns come to know precisely how important landing pages are to a strategy.

How Does Website Speed affect my SEO and Where I Rank in Google

How Does Website Speed affect my SEO and Where I Rank in Google

The speed of a website has significant influence over its search engine placement. A few years ago, Google modified its SEO algorithms to put high priority on website speed above less important factors. Subsequently, a faster site speed also means visitors less likely to leave for a competitor’s site.

Do You Need Social Media Skills to be Successful in the Digital Era of Marketing – the answer is yes!

Do You Need Social Media Skills to be Successful in the Digital Era of Marketing – the answer is yes!

Marketing in the digital realm hinges on maximizing social media and related platforms to get eyes on your brand. For those inexperienced with business in social media marketing, get experienced. Local business owners can stand to benefit quite a bit. Even if you’re not a fan of social media, for business, it helps to connect you to new customers you may not otherwise access.

11 Facts about B2B eCommerce Digital Marketing in 2019

11 Facts about B2B eCommerce Digital Marketing in 2019

B2B eCommerce is a lucrative category. B2B eCommerce sites make it easier for companies to get supplies, find product, and replenish inventory online. That said, B2B customers shopping eCommerce routinely mention issues ranging from lack of speed in delivery and a lack of communication direct to supplier. As we march towards 2019, here are 11 facts to remember about B2B eCommerce digital marketing.

6 Ideas on How to Build your Business’ Blog Content Schedule

6 Ideas on How to Build your Business’ Blog Content Schedule

Your blog can be anything you want it to be. The beauty of blogging is that there are so many different ways to use the format to connect with an audience. Businesses from musicians to lawyers, television companies to restaurants, contractors to medical professionals, and more – they all use blogs to connect and build their audience.

Those who want to develop their very own business blog, it’s extremely important to have a defined schedule and content plan in place. That is, to select titles and topics strategically, knowing what will resonate with your audience. If you don’t know where to start in finding that inspiration, you’re not alone. Thankfully, there are millions of articles, videos, podcasts, and ideas to consider for your blog so don’t be shy in exploring what’s out there. Instead of providing mere copies of others’ blogs, here are a few ideas on how to successfully build a blog’s content strategy.

Why Some Websites are not Successful and what There is to Learn Here

Why Some Websites are not Successful and what There is to Learn Here

Looking at why some small, local business websites do not work is an important part to learning what does. If you’re inexperienced with website ownership, consider examining the reasons why some websites are not successful. To this point, an unsuccessful website is just as valuable to us digital marketers as a successful one – perhaps even more. There’s a lot of reasons why websites fail. Sometimes consumers can’t find your online presence, sometimes there’s key pieces of information or contact information missing, and sometimes, there are coding errors – these are a few of the reasons why websites struggle.

Trendy, Hot Content Marketing Strategies set to hit their Stride in 2019

Trendy, Hot Content Marketing Strategies set to hit their Stride in 2019

Around the tools, technologies, and consumer behaviours that continue to change around digital marketing, one of the few things that have remained a constant over the years is the power of content marketing. It has been predicted the content marketing industry will grow to more than $400 billion by 2021. As we embark on a new year of exciting digital marketing trends, tips, and tricks, here’s a short list of the trendiest content marketing strategies we expect to hit big in 2019.

Social Media Marketing Management Tools to oversee your Campaign on your Smartphone

Social Media Marketing Management Tools to oversee your Campaign on your SmartphoneWhen you’re out and about, even on-the-go, you should have eyes on how your social media marketing strategies are doing. That’s what some of these apps and tools do. For when you need to schedule a social media post or create a new conversation in your online presence, you’ll be thankful for instant access via any of these smartphone tools.

For small business owners, generate higher productivity with business and marketing apps that will assist in scheduling and publishing content, managing multiple accounts, curating content to send out across different platforms, and to assist in creating media content. These are just a few of our favourites, based off recommendations from clients and industry trends.

Simple Steps to Building an Amazing Digital Marketing Plan for your Website

Simple Steps to Building an Amazing Digital Marketing Plan for your Website

A great small business marketing plan consistently and predictably transfers prospects into leads, converting this activity into sales results and promotion. More easily said than done, there’s challenges that come with that.

Competition, bad advice, budget restrictions, and relying too much on the latest trends can all derail an already amazing digital marketing plan for your website. Here are some simple steps in how to build a marketing campaign customized to your site’s aspirations.

How Do I Know Which Digital Marketing Agency to Hire

How Do I Know Which Digital Marketing Agency to Hire

Business owners jumping at the chance to partner with a digital marketing agency sometimes choose the wrong service provider. They invest the funds like they’re advised and they don’t receive the results they were promised. Then, they end up disillusioned with the digital marketing industry, having lost money, sales potential, and sometimes more.

9 Marketing Strategies to Instantly Increase your Christmas Sales this Holiday Season

9 Marketing Strategies to Instantly Increase your Christmas Sales this Holiday Season

Christmas is coming and on its way alongside the holiday are some of the biggest sales of the year.

Last year’s winter holiday season generated more than $138 billion in online revenues with more than $691 billion in in-store sales. This year is set to be even bigger and if you’re looking to top your numbers, here are nine marketing strategies that can be used to set yourself up for maximum success.

3 Exciting Features to use on your Small Business Website to grow your Online Presence

3 Exciting Features to use on your Small Business Website to grow your Online Presence

One of the most exciting marketing opportunities for small businesses in Canada is their own website and online marketing presence. Establishing a website for your brand, you have a massively efficient tool at promoting your business, generating exposure you wouldn’t otherwise have, and building a more loyal clientele. Websites and their accompanying digital marketing supports can be developed on almost any reasonable budget. Through hard work and intelligence, the results can be astounding.

What one thing will Make your Content Marketing excel in the Face of Competition – read here!

What one thing will Make your Content Marketing excel in the Face of Competition – read here!

Content marketing’s most successful companies put their audience’s needs ahead of their sales-friendly marketing message. There’s a lot of ways to take news like this but if you’re serious about long-term content marketing, you’re going to want to concentrate on maximizing your efforts focusing on communication and emotional connection over sales.

Using Digital Content Marketing to Create Better Consumer Relationships

Using Digital Content Marketing to Create Better Consumer Relationships

Content marketing increases brand awareness, gives your website something to promote, and builds deeper connections with consumers. In today’s world, consumers aren’t necessarily looking for the ‘cheapest deal’. They’re looking to make a connection with the brand they’re buying from.

If you’re a new business or website, that means developing brand identity. Content marketing is a cost-effective way to accomplish this, personalizing marketing to the target audience and speaking to them directly without a middleman.

See the Secrets to Writing more Click-Friendly Headlines on Blogs, Articles, and Social Media!

See the Secrets to Writing more Click-Friendly Headlines on Blogs, Articles, and Social Media!

Headlines are incredibly important to whether a blog or article gets clicked or not. There are very literal headlines one can write, those that are overtly click-friendly to the extent that they are criticized as click-bait, and then, there are those most effective at engaging the audience.

A bad headline is ignored and a great headline gets you a click – this is the difference. Now, how to write a catchy headline is an art. Consider what’s engaging to your target audience. In the same way you’re writing articles to engage your reader, if you don’t get a click, all of that hard work means nothing. A headline absolutely must get a click. To accomplish this, many writers will make a promise in the headline that is delivered in the article. There is urgency implanted in, a sense of exclusivity, and a guarantee of access to privileged information that cannot be found elsewhere. If you know your audience well, you may already be able to write a great headline! If you are at a loss for where to start though, the following are several article headline types that work well.