Uh oh, is Your Marketing Underperforming? Lean Into These 5 Tips to Bring You Success!
Brands who don’t fully embrace a results-driven marketing plan aren’t going to see any sort of success. Any short-term spike in the numbers, if there even are any, will fade and with that, you will be essentially stuck with an underperforming marketing strategy. To rise to the top and move beyond the limitations you may be experiencing with your current digital marketing, here’s change in a nutshell.
Customer segmenting.
Every business has different segments in their customer base. Recognize the differences in your audience and create segmented marketing to target them the correct way. For example, you wouldn’t market to a 17-year old the same you would a 47-year old. Depending on how segmented your audience is, you may have a lot of work ahead in getting to know your customers, building out consumer personas, and pursuing them with the most effective method.
Brand reputation.
Part of the reason why brands can fail can have to do with a lack of awareness and a negative brand reputation. It’s easier than ever to start a business which means consumers are more doubtful about unknown companies. They’re also hesitant to commit, due to the number of options as competitors crop up monthly. To bring success, you must prioritize growing awareness in the marketplace that you exist and in creating a positive atmosphere around your brand. Accomplish this through starting an email subscriber list, multi-platform social media marketing, and re-focused content marketing.
‘All-in-one’ solutions.
No company’s more popular than Amazon right now and a large part of their success is the fact you don’t need to go anywhere else for anything related to what’s sold on Amazon. They’re an ‘all-in-one’ – they do it all. Be that for your audience. The services you don’t have, create them and/or partner with a company who offers these services and bring them in through a vendor relationship. Advertise this ‘all-in-one’ one-stop-shop service or product bundle on your social media, email, in video, and in content marketing. Give your customer the best experience! A TOTAL solution so that they stick with you every step of the way.
Aligning your marketing to sales.
The bottom line is sales. CTR, traffic, likes, shares, etc. don’t matter as much as sales and quantifiable money in your pocket. Sales activities should be supported by your marketing and vice versa. For example, craft a content marketing plan with the information you know prospective customers will want to research and gather prior to purchasing. If there’s an opportunity to cultivate leads or if something’s missing in your sales process, put it on site. By connecting your sales team/approach with digital marketing, it’s a win-win.
Use your data.
Your numbers tell you whether something’s working or not. They can also tell you a lot more, about who’s buying, what content is resonating with audiences, and where you’re getting attention. Small and medium-sized brands can use talent to drive more value. The more analytics and numbers you’re privy to, the more information you have to build content off of. There’s no reason to let your digital marketing continue to underperform because there’s a good chance that somewhere in your analytics, there’s an answer and a way forward. For long-term marketing planning, consult your numbers to find out where your audience is at. Join us today for more detailed info!