Using Influencers to Guide a Whole New Set of Buyers to your Brand
Powerful and results-driven, influencers are a marketing strategy a lot of brands love to tap into. Influencer marketing is using social media personalities, bloggers, industry analysts, and trendy online accounts to push your brand, products, or services to their followers. ‘Word-of-mouth’ is more or less offline influencer marketing, as a comparison. About 94 percent of influencer marketing campaigns are considered effective.
For yourself, or someone who’s new to influencers, look at who’s getting attention online and develop relationships with influencers you think you can use. Offer them a sample. You can introduce your brand to a whole new subsets of people and whole new audiences by partnering with the right influencer. They don’t need to be world-famous celebrities with millions of social media followers. Even micro-influencers work, as long as their followers are engaged with their content.
Half of millennials are using an Ad Blocker
Every year, the number of people using ad blocking increases which means less and less ads get seen. Even when ads show up, people are so accustomed to seeing marketing that it just gets ignored. In fact, ad-block extensions are blamed for an estimated loss of $22 billion in global revenues, as of 2015. Influencer marketing cuts through the noise of digital marketing and the inundation of ads the general consumer has to contend with. This is one reason to consider it for your brand.
71 percent of Gen Z will skip YouTube Ads
YouTube Ads may seem like a smart way to get ads out. After all, you’re tapping into everything video marketing has to offer on the world’s biggest video sharing platform. The younger a consumer is, the more likely they are to skip these ads. It’s not an effective way to reach any audience, even though corporations and medium-sized businesses continue to try. Assuming you’re pursuing influencers on YouTube, this is a much more effective approach than relying on video ads.
Use non-celebrity influencers
Years ago, when a celebrity influencer or spokesperson was still a brilliant and unique marketing idea, it was very effective. Today, less than 3 percent of consumers consider buying a product after seeing a celebrity endorse it. That number’s significantly higher when a brand uses a non-celebrity influencer. This shows that influences don’t need to come from the biggest stage. Searching for an influencer, you want someone who you’re comfortable with representing your brand and who has an audience relevant to who you want.
Statistics to consider for influencer marketing
Influencer marketing increases conversions by anywhere from 3 to 10 times as much as before.
68 percent of consumers trust the opinions of other online consumers.
47 percent of consumers in the US read and consult online blogs to figure out new trends and products.
20 percent of women will consider purchasing a product supported by other influencers.
30 percent of consumers under 32 spend time on social media sites reading peer-written content.
Determine who your buyers are and then, see the influencers they’re relying on to get your information. Influencer marketing campaigns that get off on the right foot are likely to succeed. Use keywords to find influencers on sites like Google, Snapchat, LinkedIn, Twitter, Pinterest, Facebook, reddit, Instagram, and more. The influencers are out there to connect you with audience. Find them, use them, and see the pathway to a new set of buyers. Join us today for more details.