Fun, Easy, and Creative Ways to Target Audience on Any and Every Social Media Platform
Social media doesn’t often require a guide on how to use but when it comes to your digital marketing dollar, it’s heavily important to know where you’re spending is worth it. Doing social media right involves knowing your strategy. Driving conversions and sales is the center of many social media marketing plans. Here’s a few ways on how to maximize your time and effort, targeting customers successfully en route to leads, likes, and dollars made.
Questions and polls
Posing open-ended questions and providing polls is one way to get audience input, find out behaviour, and see preferences. In terms of market research, going directly to the customer’s valuable. Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram all make it easy to ask questions, create polls, and more.
What’s trending?
Keep track on trends. Social media isn’t set in stone. Instagram video, LinkedIn, and Facebook continue to grow. Snapchat and Twitter have stalled, for all intents and purposes. This is what’s happening now though it may not be the same six months from now. Know the trends and you won’t waste time.
Platform meets product
Not every social media platform will be helpful in expressing the benefits, advantages, and features of a given product. Choose social platforms appropriate to your industry as well. Products that are visual should use a Pinterest and Instagram marketing strategy. If it’s family-friendly, Facebook’s got the demographics to target this. Every platform may have advantages depending on product presentation type and who you want to appeal to.
Social media management apps
Chances are you will be opening multiple accounts for your brand. If you want to save time targeting user bases, choose a social media app to help you schedule, organize, and post content. There are plenty of potential social marketing apps, both free and paid, that can assist.
Build community
Social media is less about selling and more about developing a community of people around brands, causes, or subjects. Build yours by being engaging and interactive, answering user questions, asking questions, and keeping followers feeling positive sentiments whenever they encounter a message, post, or brand visual.
Share campaigns
If you have to create brand awareness on social media, share campaigns are one way to do so. They advocate for followers to share your post in return for a discount code, promotion, or a reward of some kind. Some brands launch contests to give someone a free product and encourage sharing on this basis, and this seems to work well. Success centers on choosing the appropriate share campaign, according to what appeals most to you and your audience.
Be authentic and human
There’s nothing as much of a turn-off as a brand who is all corporate through-and-through. Lacking humanity to your social media posts is not going to win any attention. Post different content, be unique, and be honest in your voice. Write as if you’re speaking with the user – not at them. Social media isn’t a sales pitch and when a post comes across as one, you may lose a follower.
Social media is filled with different ideas on how to reach audience. A social media digital marketing campaign can be very fun to watch grow and to see analytics gradually ramp up in numbers. Even so, one has to plan and execute with the right effort. Oftentimes, it’s the brands who know their audience best who win the day.