7 Ways to Increase Your Email Click-Through Rate to Connect to Customers and Prospects

7 Ways to Increase Your Email Click-Through Rate to Connect to Customers and Prospects

Simple, effective, and viable, email marketing is a way to reach out and bring subscribers back to your website. Strategies employed on email hinge around getting you that CTR, otherwise referred to as click-through rate. If your CTR is low, you know there’s a problem that needs correcting.

The ideal CTR varies according to industry. A lot of marketers will tell you 10% or higher is worth aiming for. This may seem low but you have to acknowledge that the vast majority of people won’t open your message. Even so, the higher your CTR, the better. Here are some ways to improve your email click-through rate.

A/B testing

There are a lot of variables affecting open rates and CTR. A/B testing can show a lot of insight towards what’s working and what isn’t. You may want to switch things around, test out different subject lines, sending out at different times of day, experiment with different CTAs, and more. Testing’s all about trying new things and seeing what sticks.

Subject line

Top strategies for subject lines include to write something urgent or time-sensitive, to ask a question, to be concise, and/or to incentivize. Also, studies show personalized subject lines are 26% more likely to be opened. If/when possible, personalize your subject line. They matter! If you don’t capture attention in two seconds or less, you run the risk of having your email passed over.


Segment your email subscriber list into different groups. Email marketing programs do this with ease. Divide according to demographics, location, age, gender, and more. This way, you can blast an email with ease. Segmented email campaigns have an open rate 15% higher than campaigns that haven’t been segmented.

A double opt-in

A lot of brands will collect email subscribers with a single click. This may leave you with fake or incorrect emails though which will flood your click-through rate with no activity. Instead, use a double opt-in where someone initially signs up to be an email subscriber and then, opts in again in a confirmation email received after the original sign-up.

Action-oriented language

Use action-oriented language, with a clearly marked CTA, and with consistent branding throughout. When we use action-oriented language, it means you’re pulling the reader towards an action. An effective marketing email message has a defined goal and target. Every word, image, and layout choice is crafted around making the desired action.

User experience

Put yourself in the audience’s shoes and ask yourself, does your email offer something of value? Stuffing someone’s inbox with yet another email is junk. You don’t want your email marketing campaign to come across like spam or junk mail. Focus on crafting the perfect UX in design, messaging, and approach.


Mobile responsive email design should be priority as you never know what type of screen you’ll have it opened on. Ensure any functional components, like buttons or your call-to-action, are easily displayable. Consider doing some testing on your own devices to verify the layout works. Visuals and text should both be presented as you intend, piquing interest and encouraging that click-through.

Launch a high-performance, results-driven email marketing campaign today with Unlimited Exposure’s expertise. Blend it with social media, video, photo strategies, web design, content marketing, and more. Get creative, tap into the right tools and resources, and let’s boost that click-through rate to heights it’s never seen before! Contact us today.