22 Reasons to Try Influencer Marketing On Your Next Digital Campaign
Influencers are on Instagram, Twitter, YouTube, and everywhere. Each top influencer holds an audience of thousands, tens of thousands, and sometimes millions. By connecting with an influencer and having them mention your brand, product, or service, you gain instant exposure. That’s influencer marketing. Here are 22 reasons to try influencer marketing on your next campaign.
Influencers Are Seen As More Trustworthy
Influencers are sort of like Internet celebrities but they’re a lot more. Influencers can be anyone. They can be any age, any demographic. There are micro-influencers at a local level and influencers in specific product categories as well as those with millions in followers. Each is perceived as authentic, trustworthy, and real. That’s a lot of credibility that will translate to your brand.
Teens Trust Influencers More Than They Trust You
Young people are very media-savvy and tech-savvy. They know a brand is just a brand. Being authentic as a brand is important but it only takes you so far. A recent study shares how 45% of teens trust their favourite influencer more than they trust their friends. Once again, you gain credibility when you use an influencer and it gives your brand a more grassroots feel.
Consumers Are Ok With Influencer Recommendations
Today’s consumers see through a lot. They know when they’re being sold on. They browse past online ads, they can recognize marketing of all types, and they don’t believe promotional claims. All that aside, they’re ok with influencer recommendations and are accepting of this type of advertising.
Digital Marketers Are Using Influencer Marketing
More than 89% of marketers have used influencer marketing in the last year. If you want to understand how to do your best digital marketing, look to those who are most successful. If marketers are using influencers, it’s a decent indication that you should too.
Influencers Are More Powerful Than Celebrities
Using influencer marketing is like tapping into a celebrity endorsement. Believe it or not, an influencer is more valuable than a celebrity. They have a stronger relationship with their fans, generate 3 times more views on their social media posts, generate twice as much social engagement, and have up to 14 times as many comments on videos compared to celebrity videos.
They Are the Fastest Customer Acquisition Channel in 2021
If you need customers quickly or are a new brand and are looking to quickly create a base of customers, influencer marketing is one of the fastest customer acquisition channels today. You don’t need to wait to build an audience. Not anymore.
Women Use Social Media For Advice on Buying Products
More than 89% of women use social media to research products and for advice on buying products online. More than 55% of women this year made a purchase direct from an influencer post. This activity is most often found on Facebook and Instagram although every social site maintains its own collection of homegrown influencers.
Influencer Marketing ROI Makes It So That It Pays For Itself
For every dollar spent on influencer marketing, brands earn an average of $6.50. That’s better than organic search, paid search, and email marketing. The most successful influencer campaigns can earn as much as $21 and more in influencer marketing ROI.
More And More People Are Using Social Media For eCommerce
COVID-19 forced a lot of people to learn how to use social media for eCommerce and how to do online shopping. This has done wonders for the value of influencers. The captive users on Facebook, Instagram, and other social media eCommerce platforms have grown exponentially and continue to.
Influencer Marketing Is More Effective Than Print Marketing
Marketing used to be doing things like ads in newspapers and magazines, sending our paper coupons and unsolicited mail, and distributing flyers. Influencer marketing has surpassed this, being more effective and boasting a far better return-on-investment.
Your Competition May Already Be Using Influencers
Those that are using influencer marketing already are seeing returns and they’re increasing spending. More than 67% of influencer marketing users will increase their investment this year, perhaps most prominently on Instagram. That says a lot. If you want a competitive edge or to avoid falling behind your competition already on board, you have to try influencer marketing yourself.
It’s Easy to Start With Influencer Marketing, Use YouTube!
YouTube is a hotbed of influencers. The best influencer marketing campaigns this year will be launched through YouTube and Instagram. If you focus nowhere else, concentrate here. YouTube’s filled with influencers in every age group and demographic. You can tap into audiences from locally, nationwide, and internationally.
Influencer Marketing on Facebook is Growing
Facebook has more than 2 billion monthly users. Over 19% of all eCommerce purchases in 2021 were influenced by Facebook. Unfortunately, their influencer marketing opportunities are drastically underdeveloped. They still exist though. Tapping into an influencer across multiple platforms including Facebook can yield major exposure.
Half of Your Target Users Are Using Ad Blockers
Almost half of Internet users use some form of ad blocker. This blocks out a lot of paid ads, minimizing the reach of a lot of these paid campaigns. Influencers aren’t blocked out. Anyone engaging with an influencer has already opted in and so you know you’re getting your full exposure. It’s a far better way to spend money on digital marketing, inarguably.
Influencer Marketing is Highly Effective on Twitter
Nearly half of all Twitter users have made a purchase based on a tweet. If this is where your audience is, influencer marketing is a way to reach them. You can not only drive up sales and revenues but also exposure and it’s not something you need to wait for. An influencer tweets. Results come in almost instantly.
Increase Purchase Intent Thereby Increasing Sales
Purchase intent is the likelihood a consumer will purchase a product or service. A recent study analyzing influencer marketing on Twitter found that influencer marketing and an active brand presence on Twitter increased purchase intent by 5.2 times compared to only 2.7 times when it’s strictly an active brand presence.
Bring New Products And Services to Market Quickly
If you have to get the word out about something, i.e. a product launch or a new marketing initiative, there is no quicker way to get information out than with influencers. They can immediately launch a product or service and put your brand in front of would-be buyers.
Influencer Marketing Can Help In-Store Shopping
If you are in brick-and-mortar, know that a percentage of in-store shoppers are looking at social media and blogs while they shop. They may be doing research or looking at product reviews. Influencer marketing is more effective at convincing users to buy in, especially with videos and articles and social media use.
You Don’t Need to Spend Big Bucks to Use A Celebrity Influencer
A celebrity endorsement in the 1990s was everything. Today it doesn’t mean as much. Influencer marketing today is sort of like these endorsements were to that time period except it’s a lot cheaper. Celebrities using platforms like Instagram charge upwards of $500,000 and more as a buy-in to use them as influencers. You don’t need them. Instead, go with subject matter experts and micro-influencers.
Subject Matter Experts Are Authorities In Your Market
A subject matter expert is an influencer who is considered an expert or authority in their field. Publications, professors, and senior contributors online all fall within this category. Look for collaboration opportunities with experts in your field. This is a sure way to tap into an expert’s authenticity and align a product, service, or brand with a specific expert.
Micro-Influencers Have High ROI And Are Inexpensive
Micro-influencer marketing offers marketing opportunities for as low as $10 and less. They have fewer than 50,000 followers and sometimes as little as under 2,000. Micro-influencers are found in niche markets or are locally-based. Don’t let a perceived lack of audience fool you. Their fan bases are often highly engaged and targeted, meaning the right micro-influencer can help you reach people according to geography, networks, interest, and more.
You Can Set Your Budget As You Go Along
Unlike other digital marketing types, influencer marketing can be done in short bursts and measured almost instantly. You can see within days if something’s worked or not, compared to waiting weeks or even months. Some brands spend less than $1,000 annually on influencers, gradually seeing returns that help them reinvest a portion of their revenues into grander campaigns.
What are you going to spend your 2021 digital marketing budget on? Consider the power influencers have on your audience. You may find influencer marketing to be your most profitable marketing channel this year.