How to Use Video Marketing to Sell Your Brand to Users Online

How to Use Video Marketing to Sell Your Brand to Users Online

This is your chance. This is your one chance to sell your brand to a new user. The user’s clicked your video. It’s loading. They watch. One second, two seconds, three seconds… and you’ve already lost them. Do you know what you did wrong – find out below.

What marketing research tells us is that the average customer makes up their mind about a product, service, or brand in ten seconds or less. Those first few seconds are everything. They communicate everything a user needs to know. A video should immediately establish professionalism, tone, and visual language and meet the user's expectations.

If a user clicked on any of your videos today, think of what the result’s most likely to be. If you can’t grab and keep someone’s attention in 10 seconds or less – and not every brand can – it’s time to take an honest look at how to use your videos to sell online.

Should You Have Videos In Your Marketing Plan?

Including videos in your marketing plan is a smart decision that can significantly benefit your business. Video marketing has emerged as a powerful tool for engaging with your target audience and driving brand awareness. But beyond its immediate impact, videos can also play a crucial role in your SEO strategy, helping you improve your website visibility and attract more organic traffic. Here's why you should have videos in your marketing plan:

Enhanced user experience: Videos provide an interactive and engaging experience for your audience, holding their attention longer and increasing the time spent on your website. This positively impacts your SEO as search engines prioritize websites with high user engagement.

Improved search engine rankings: When properly optimized, videos can help improve your website's search engine rankings. By incorporating relevant keywords in video titles, descriptions, and tags, you increase the chances of your video appearing in search results, driving more traffic to your site.

Increased brand visibility: Videos have the potential to go viral, reaching a wider audience and increasing brand exposure. When shared across various platforms and social media channels, videos can generate valuable backlinks, further boosting your Local SEO efforts.

Diversified content: A well-rounded marketing plan includes various types of content, and videos add diversity to your content strategy. By catering to different audience preferences and consumption habits, you can attract a wider range of potential customers.

Higher conversion rates: Studies have shown that videos have a higher conversion rate compared to other forms of content. Including videos in your marketing plan can help drive conversions, whether it's through product demonstrations, testimonials, or explainer videos

What People Will Video Marketing Be Most Effective With?

There are users consuming videos at every age, gender, profession, salary, and background. Create a customer persona as an exercise to better understand who you’re targeting with your videos. This way, you have a better indication of what tone and language to use and what resonates with the users you want to nab.


Why Do Users Prefer Video Over Text or Image Marketing?

Video of any kind has always been held in high regard in society from a storytelling standpoint. Videos have a way to make a profound psychological connection, either at an emotional or intellectual level. They use visual language to compel in a way that does not feel as forced sometimes as text or still images can. There is also a diversity to video, where it can be used to make you laugh, to educate and inform, to open up a conversation, or to just be entertaining.


How Do I Do SEO On A Video For Marketing?

SEO for videos is similar to optimization in web design and on images or content writing. Include keywords. Write detailed descriptions. Ensure your video can be found. Regardless of its platform – YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok are common choices – your video will be searchable, indexed, and ranked. Follow the optimization steps you would take for a regular blog post.

As mentioned above, there are many platforms you can use to post videos on. YouTube is the most popular. Platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok offer ways to publish and highlight video marketing. How to optimize various platform-to-platform. For most small businesses, an excellent starting point is YouTube. These videos can be hosted on YouTube, posted to multiple other platforms, and even embedded onto your website, which minimizes the server space on your end.


What is the Best Piece of Video Marketing Advice to Receive?

The best video marketing advice we can give applies not only to video but to other forms of advertising and promotions. Look the part and deliver on expectation. Not only should a video have pro-level audio and image quality but it should have the feel and look users expect. Perception counts for a lot. If your video looks the part and delivers on expectation, you’re well on your way to having a high-performance digital campaign.


What Are the 5 Video Marketing Types Guaranteed to Get You Results?

The best ROI on video marketing usually comes from a mix of five types of videos. They are the ‘classic sales and promotion’ video, news and commentary, tips and tricks, a behind-the-scenes look, and testimonials.

Make Sales And Promotion Video Marketing

Classic sales and promotion videos are used sparingly to show off a perception of a product, service, or brand. Consider them advertising 101, often written and produced to aim for an emotional connection. Fear, desire, and love are the three most common emotions to use in videos like this. You don’t want to come off too sales-focused. Include a CTA at the end; however, focus more on telling a story that resonates with your user. This is how you get remembered.


Make News And Commentary Video Marketing

News and commentary isn’t politics. You don’t want your brand to appear divisive or to unnecessarily turn people off from an opinion that splits your audience. Think of news specific to your industry. Try to find fun stories or entertaining recent events to comment on. What commentary video marketing does is help establish you as a trustworthy source and as an authority or thought leader in your field. They aren’t even remotely tied to sales, but they build an audience.


Make Tips And Tricks Video Marketing

Tips and tricks are fun videos to make. They also help to establish you as an authority. This can be a how-to tutorial on how to use a product or tips on how to get the most from a service you offer. Address common issues and present how to solve them. Find concerns that relate to what your brand does and address them. Think of the customer you’re targeting and what sort of tips, tricks, and how-tos they would love to know. This can even be done in a question-and-answer format.


Make Behind-the-Scenes Video Marketing?

A behind-the-scenes video can be done on a smartphone camera. It can be more casual. Instagram is a great platform for this type of video. You can do question-and-answers with users and speak directly to them. You'll be able to show a user around your facility. You can give insights into your brand’s values and philosophy while showing some personality. If you already have a collection of users following your brand, this can be a great way to serve an existing audience and express yourself outside the usual straightforward, professionally-produced way.


Make Customer Testimonial Video Marketing

Testimonials are powerful. They are necessary in some fields, i.e. healthcare. They reassure unfamiliar users that a product or service works and that a brand can be trusted. They also give insight into what to expect when purchasing or dealing with a company. In a sense, it’s word-of-mouth marketing and similar to written customer reviews. Suppose you are in an industry where there’s a lot of doubt about products offered and are trying to establish a new concept, product, or service. In that case, genuine testimonials from people who speak highly of you can help.


How Do I Promote My Video Marketing to Get More Views?

Outside of producing the best content possible, how you get more views on a video is by promoting it. There are three main channels by which you can do this – social media, email, and a website.


  • Social media. Add the video to your social media accounts, ensuring it’s searchable according to hashtag, title, and description. Encourage people to share it. Tapping into an engaged user base, a video can spread quickly on social media.


  • Email. Start an email subscriber list. You know, these are users who have already bought into your brand in some way. This is a fine way to increase conversions, especially if you know the video you’ve produced would appeal to existing clientele. Promote your video through an email marketing communication.


  • Website. Embed the video either directly on a web page or create a blog that uses it. Blogging is a great way to get videos more views as you can take older videos and repurpose them inside new content. Then, you can take this new blog and promote it across social media, helping you net more views.


There is no reason why video shouldn’t be a part of your multi-channel digital marketing campaign. The ROI is there. The audience is there. Although videos take longer to produce than blogs, images, and graphics, it is one form of content that lasts.

Contact Unlimited Exposure Online or explore our website to discover how we can enhance your brand through video marketing in Toronto. Our proficiency lies in crafting captivating online platforms that greatly enhance a brand's online visibility. With our extensive knowledge of the digital realm and internet marketing services in Toronto, Unlimited Exposure Online has successfully aided 1400+ businesses in establishing a robust online presence and effectively engaging with their desired audience.