Who Profits When AI Does Our Internet Browsing?

Who Profits When AI Does Our Internet Browsing?

 The primary beneficiaries when AI navigates the web on our behalf are not the content creators, digital advertisers, or the audience, but rather the search engines that harvest data from across the internet. However, this revenue model, especially with the advent of generative AI in search technologies, may not hold long-term viability as content creators might reduce their output due to diminishing returns, leading to a deterioration in the quality of available information, as some experts suggest.


As AI-driven search engines like ChatGPT, Arc, Perplexity, and Google’s Gemini, which incorporates generative AI through its Search Generative Experience, become more sophisticated, users find fewer reasons to visit links directly. This trend reduces visibility for the products, services, and ads hosted on these sites, impacting traffic and revenue.



What is the Perplexity AI search?


Let's chat about Perplexity AI, a newcomer in the world of search engines, or as some might call it, the brainy cousin in the internet search family. You see, while most search engines are like those big, flashy supermarkets where you can find pretty much anything, Perplexity AI is more like that cool, niche bookstore that not only has what you're looking for but also tells you why it's worth your time.


So, what makes Perplexity AI stand out in the crowded party of search engines? Well, it's all about how it leverages artificial intelligence to not just fetch data but to understand and interact with it in a way that's as close to human-like as possible. Imagine asking a friend about the best pizza place nearby, and instead of just giving you a list, they give you insights on why each place is worth a visit, based on your taste preferences and past pizza adventures. That's Perplexity AI for you – it's about making your search experience more personalized and insightful.


Now, one might wonder, how does this all work? Picture this: You type in a question or a topic you're curious about. Perplexity AI dives into the vast ocean of the internet, using its AI superpowers to not only find the relevant information but to understand the context and nuances of that information. Then, it presents you with an answer that feels like it's been crafted just for you, sometimes even with a dash of creativity and humor.


But here's where it gets even more interesting. Perplexity AI isn't just about throwing facts and figures at you. It aims to provide a broader perspective, often giving you different viewpoints on a topic. It's like having a chat with a super-smart friend who can give you the lowdown on almost anything, but in a way that's engaging and easy to digest.


Education is at the heart of Perplexity AI's mission. It's not just about finding quick answers; it's about learning and understanding. Whether you're a student looking for a deep dive into a complex subject, a curious mind eager to explore various topics, or just someone trying to settle a debate with accurate information, Perplexity AI is designed to help you get there.


In a nutshell, Perplexity AI is changing the game by making the search not just about the destination but about the journey of discovery. It's like having a personal research assistant at your fingertips, ready to help you navigate the complexities of information with ease and a touch of personality. So, next time you're diving into the digital sea of information, consider giving Perplexity AI a whirl. Who knows? You might just find the adventure of learning more rewarding than you ever imagined. 


What is the Arc browser?


Dive into the world of Arc, a browser that's not just another face in the crowd but a game-changer in how we surf the web. Picture this: you're preparing for a big project, and instead of drowning in a sea of tabs and windows, you've got everything organized neatly, just a click away. That's the magic of Arc – it's like having a super-smart assistant who knows exactly where you put your stuff, even if you don't.


Arc isn't just about browsing; it's about creating a space on the internet that feels like home. It's designed for the modern web user, someone who's juggling multiple tasks, from checking the latest news to collaborating on work projects, all while planning the next big vacation. Arc brings everything together in a way that's intuitive, seamless, and, dare I say, fun.


So, what sets Arc apart from the crowd? First off, it's the customization. With Arc, you're the architect of your digital space. You can organize your tabs into groups, pin your most-used apps and sites for easy access, and even personalize the look and feel to match your vibe. It's like decorating your workspace, but for your digital life.


But Arc isn't just about looking good; it's smart, too. Imagine having a browser that learns what you need, bringing you information and tools right when you need them. That's Arc for you. It's designed to adapt to your habits, making your online experience smoother and more personalized than ever before.


Let's talk about multitasking. We've all been there, flipping between tabs, trying to keep track of where everything is. Arc introduces a new way to multitask, with features that let you view multiple sites side by side, drag and drop between them, and even save your setups so you can pick up right where you left off. It's like having a command center for your digital life.


And for the privacy-conscious, Arc has got your back. It's built with privacy at its core, offering tools and settings that give you control over your data and how you're tracked online. Surfing with Arc means you can focus on what you're doing, not on who's watching.


In the end, Arc isn't just a browser; it's a new way to experience the web. It's about breaking free from the old paradigms and stepping into a space where the internet works for you, not the other way around. Whether you're a power user or just someone who appreciates a bit of order in the digital chaos, Arc might just be the breath of fresh air you've been looking for. So why not give it a spin and see where it takes you?

 How canadians_react_to_online_ads



How about Canada?  How Canadians React to Online Ads


TV's not the ad king it used to be in Canada, but it's still where most of us bump into ads the old-school way. Fast forward to the digital scene in early 2023, and it looks like online ads are kind of a mixed bag here. About half of us Canadians find them a bit of a bother, but hey, 42% of us are cool with it as long as there's something free in it for us.


Now, when it comes to spreading the word online, a good deal – like a third of us – are all in for those sweet deals and freebies. But, there's also a good chunk, 21% to be exact, who aren't really into recommending brands online.


And here's a fun fact: when it comes to influencers, we Canadians seem to have a soft spot for the ones who make us laugh, jam out, or binge-watch their film content. It's all about the entertainment value, right?


What is next?


The real-world implications of these shifts are becoming evident. Strategies like compensating publishers for their content and linking back to sources have been explored by OpenAI and Perplexity as ways to mitigate revenue losses from traditional online advertising, yet these measures may not fully offset the decline in site-driven ad income.


Publishers are now at a crossroads, with a pressing need to add value for their audiences. Initiatives like The New York Times' expansion into gaming, 404 Media's success in catering to specific communities with low operational costs, and Slate's focus on specialized content and podcasts illustrate adaptive strategies for sustainability.


Advertisers, too, must adapt by eschewing dependence on low-quality web destinations. In this changing landscape, it’s crucial to uphold high standards for your ad placements and ensure clear communication with your advertising technology partners. Despite challenges, paid search remains a viable strategy, although the overall quality of online advertising environments may suffer.

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