Words and Phrases That Build Trust

Words and Phrases That Build Trust

In today's fast-paced digital world, reducing uncertainty is just the first step in crafting effective marketing copy. Building trust with your audience is equally, if not more, important. Establishing trust through your marketing efforts can significantly impact your conversion rates and long-term customer relationships. Let's dive into some specific phrases and strategies that can help build trust with your customers, ensuring they feel confident and secure when engaging with your brand.


Check Out Our Testimonials Page


One of the most effective ways to build trust is by showcasing the experiences of your satisfied customers. Testimonials provide social proof, demonstrating that real people have benefited from your product or service. According to a study by BrightLocal, 91% of consumers trust online reviews as much as personal recommendations. This highlights the importance of having a dedicated testimonials page.


How to Use This Phrase Effectively:

-  Placement:  Make your testimonials page easily accessible from your homepage or main navigation menu. This ensures visitors can quickly find and read about others' positive experiences.

-  Content:  Include a mix of text testimonials, video testimonials, and even case studies. Video testimonials can be particularly compelling as they add a personal touch and authenticity.

-  Updates:  Regularly update your testimonials page with new feedback to show that your business continues to deliver excellent results.


See Our Reviews (Here’s How to Ask for and Get More of Them)


Encouraging customers to leave reviews not only helps build trust but also improves your online visibility. Reviews can influence purchasing decisions, with 93% of consumers saying that online reviews impact their buying choices.


 How to Ask for Reviews:

  1. Timing: Ask for reviews at the right moment, such as after a successful transaction or when a customer expresses satisfaction with your service.
  2. Ease: Make the process as easy as possible. Provide direct links to review sites or send follow-up emails with a clear call-to-action.
  3. Incentives: Offer small incentives, such as discounts or freebies, to encourage customers to leave a review.


 Displaying Reviews:

-  Integration:  Integrate reviews into your website, particularly on product pages and landing pages. This provides immediate social proof where it matters most.

-  Variety:  Showcase reviews from multiple platforms, such as Google, Yelp, and industry-specific sites, to give a well-rounded view of your reputation.


Consumers' Behaviour and Reaction



See Our Resource Library


A comprehensive resource library can position your brand as an authority in your industry. By providing valuable information, you not only help your customers but also build credibility and trust.


 Creating a Resource Library:

-  Content Types:  Include various types of content, such as blog posts, whitepapers, eBooks, infographics, and webinars. This ensures you cater to different preferences and learning styles.

-  Quality:  Focus on quality over quantity. Make sure each resource is well-researched, accurate, and provides real value.

-  Accessibility:  Make your resource library easy to navigate with clear categories and a search function. This helps users find the information they need quickly.


 Promoting Your Resource Library:

-  Lead Magnets:  Use your resources as lead magnets. Offer valuable content in exchange for contact information, helping you grow your email list while providing value.

-  Social Media:  Promote your resources on social media platforms to reach a broader audience and drive traffic to your site.


Check Out Our FAQ Section


An FAQ section addresses common questions and concerns, reducing uncertainty and building trust by providing clear, concise information. According to a study by Forrester, 53% of customers are likely to abandon their online purchase if they can't find quick answers to their questions.


 Creating an Effective FAQ Section:

-  Relevant Questions:  Include questions that are genuinely helpful and relevant to your audience. This may require gathering feedback from your customer service team and actual customer inquiries.

-  Clear Answers:  Provide clear, concise answers. Avoid jargon and ensure that the information is easy to understand.

-  Updates:  Regularly update your FAQ section to reflect new products, services, and common questions.


 Enhancing the FAQ Section:

-  Search Function:  Include a search function to help users quickly find the answers they need.

-  Interactive Elements:  Consider adding interactive elements like collapsible sections or video answers to make the FAQ more engaging.



Chat Live with a Specialist


Offering live chat support can significantly enhance trust by providing real-time assistance. According to a study by Kayako, 79% of customers prefer live chat because of the immediacy it offers compared to other support channels.


 Implementing Live Chat:

-  Availability:  Ensure that live chat is available during your business hours and prominently displayed on your website.

-  Trained Specialists:  Staff your live chat with knowledgeable specialists who can provide accurate and helpful information.

-  Follow-Up:  Implement a follow-up system to ensure that any unresolved issues are addressed promptly.


 Benefits of Live Chat:

-  Immediate Assistance:  Provides instant support, reducing frustration and improving customer satisfaction.

-  Human Touch:  Adds a personal element to your online interactions, making customers feel valued and heard.

-  Data Collection:  Collect valuable data on customer inquiries and pain points, helping you improve your products and services.


Some extra resources  which you may find useful:


Guaranteed Results


Offering a guarantee can be a powerful way to build trust. It shows that you stand behind your product or service and are confident in its quality.


 Types of Guarantees:

-  Money-Back Guarantee:  Offers a refund if the customer is not satisfied. This reduces the perceived risk of making a purchase.

-  Satisfaction Guarantee:  Ensures that the customer will be happy with their purchase, or you will make it right through replacement, repair, or other means.

-  Performance Guarantee:  Promises specific results, which can be particularly effective for services.


 Promoting Your Guarantee:

-  Visibility:  Make sure your guarantee is prominently displayed on your website, product pages, and marketing materials.

-  Clarity:  Clearly explain the terms and conditions of your guarantee to avoid misunderstandings.

-  Trust Signals:  Use trust signals such as secure payment icons, certifications, and badges to reinforce the credibility of your guarantee.


How consumers feel about a brand


Overlapping Phrases and Their Multifaceted Benefits


You’ll notice that some of the words and phrases in certain sections overlap, as they help to communicate different intentions depending on the context. For instance, “Check out our testimonials page” and “See our reviews” both provide social proof, but they can be used in different contexts to address various stages of the customer journey. Similarly, “Chat live with a specialist” and “Check out our FAQ section” both aim to provide immediate assistance, yet they cater to different preferences and situations.


 Integrating Overlapping Phrases:

-  Consistent Messaging:  Ensure that your messaging is consistent across all channels. This reinforces trust and reliability.

-  Customer Journey Mapping:  Use different phrases at different stages of the customer journey. For example, use testimonials and reviews to attract new customers, and live chat and FAQ sections to support existing customers.




By incorporating these trust-building phrases and strategies into your marketing efforts, you can create a more engaging and reliable experience for your customers. This not only helps in reducing uncertainty but also in fostering long-term loyalty and satisfaction. Remember, trust is not built overnight but through consistent and genuine efforts to meet and exceed customer expectations.

Bio: Why asking Ue for your social media and content marketing in Toronto?

For nearly three decades, Unlimited Online Exposure has been empowering Toronto businesses. We've designed over 1400 standout eCommerce sites, but we do much more than that. As your go-to for digital success, our skilled team crafts customized content marketing strategies to align perfectly with your goals.


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