Why You Should Start a Podcast

Why You Should Start a Podcast, Guide to Sharing Your Voice with the World

Have you ever dreamt of sharing your knowledge, passions, or even just having insightful conversations with interesting people? Well, guess what?  Podcasts are the perfect platform to do just that! In today's fast-paced world, people are constantly consuming audio content on the go, whether it's during their commute, while exercising, or even while doing chores.  Podcasts offer a unique opportunity to connect with a global audience and build a loyal following.

But before you dive headfirst into the world of podcasting, Lets get over with the 1st question, why should you start a podcast?

There are over 1 billion blogs out there. That’s about 1 blog for every 7 people.

In contrast, there are over 4 million podcasts. That’s roughly 1 podcast for every 1,760 people.

Blogging is fantastic and still effective, but podcasting offers a less crowded space.

It's easier to gain listeners and traction because you're not competing with as many people 

 Global podcast market value

let's explore the "whys"( We already did)  and "hows" of creating your own show.


Identify Your Objective and Niche


The first step is figuring out what you want your podcast to be about  . 

 Are you passionate about a specific topic?    Maybe you're a history buff who wants to delve into historical events or a fitness enthusiast ready to share your workout wisdom.

Do you have a unique skillset to share?    Perhaps you're an entrepreneur eager to offer business tips or a musician wanting to discuss the creative process.

Do you simply want to have engaging conversations?  An interview-style format could be perfect for exploring diverse topics and perspectives.

 Finding your niche   means identifying a specific area within a broader topic.  This helps you attract a targeted audience who shares your interests.  For instance, within the "fitness" niche,  you could focus on training for marathons, healthy meal planning for athletes, or mindfulness practices for peak performance.


Top Podcast Genres in Canada (as of June 2024)

Design Your Format and Generate Ideas:


There are two main formats you can consider:

Solo Hosting:    This is a great option if you feel comfortable carrying the conversation by yourself. You can maintain complete control over the flow and content, allowing you to delve deep into your chosen topic.

 Co-Hosting:    Co-hosting brings a dynamic element to your podcast.  You can bounce ideas off each other, create a more engaging conversation, and potentially attract a wider audience by appealing to your co-host's followers as well.  Just make sure your co-host complements your style and expertise, ensuring a smooth and engaging experience for listeners.

Importance of Length and Consistency: 

Length:   Most podcasts fall between 20 minutes and 1.5 hours.  The ideal length depends on your format and content.  Shorter episodes work well for quick informational blurbs, while longer ones allow for in-depth discussions and interviews.

Consistency:    Publishing episodes regularly is key to building a loyal audience.  Whether you choose weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly releases, stick to a consistent schedule to keep listeners coming back for more.

Podcast listeners age

Idea Generation: 

Start with brainstorming!    Write down topics related to your niche, potential interview guests, and even current events you can discuss from your unique perspective.

 Listen to other podcasts in your niche.   See what topics they cover and how they structure their shows. This can provide inspiration for your own content.

 Keep an eye on social media trends.    What topics are people buzzing about? Exploring trending topics related to your niche can be a great way to attract new listeners.

 Acquire the Appropriate Equipment:


 You don't need a professional studio setup to get started.    Here are some essential pieces of equipment to ensure sound quality:

 Recording Software:    Free recording software like Audacity or GarageBand is a great starting point.  Paid options offer additional features like editing tools and multi-track recording.

Headphones:    This allows you to monitor audio quality while recording and ensures you catch any technical issues on the spot.

Microphone:    Investing in a good microphone is crucial for clear audio.  A USB microphone offers a simple plug-and-play experience.  Dynamic microphones work well for solo hosting, while condenser microphones are better suited for interviews as they pick up sound from multiple directions.

Select a Hosting Platform


Once you've recorded your masterpiece, it's time to share it with the world! Several hosting platforms can help you distribute your podcast across various directories and streaming services.  Here are two popular options:

Starting a Podcast on YouTube: 

Pros:    YouTube is a massive platform with a built-in audience. Hosting your podcast on YouTube allows you to leverage video elements if you wish, and potentially attract viewers searching for video content related to your niche.

Cons:    While YouTube offers great discoverability,  some listeners might prefer a purely audio experience.  Additionally, monetization options may be different compared to dedicated podcast hosting platforms.


How to Create a new podcast On YouTube?

Go to YouTube Studio, Within YouTube Studio, click Create New podcast. You may be asked to verify your account before creating a new podcast.

From the pop-up, select Create a new podcast.

Enter your podcast details.

Click Create to save.


Starting a Podcast on Spotify: 

 Pros:   Spotify is a major audio streaming platform with a massive user base.  Hosting your podcast on Spotify ensures listeners can easily find and subscribe to your show.  Spotify also offers monetization options through advertising and subscriptions.

 Cons:    While discoverability on Spotify can be good, it might not be as high as on other dedicated podcast directories.  Additionally, some features like video integration might be unavailable.

How to create a new podcast on Spotify?

Create a Spotify for Podcasters account.

Define a podcast topic.

Record your first episode.

Edit your podcast.

Choose a podcast hosting platform.

Syndicate your show to Spotify for Podcasters.

Promote your Spotify podcast.

Use Spotify's monetization features.


Here are some other popular podcast hosting platforms to consider: 



Anchor (by Spotify)


 These platforms offer various features  like podcast hosting, distribution across directories, analytics, and even monetization options.  Compare their features and pricing plans to find the one that best suits your needs.

Podcasts downloads Apple Vs Spotify vs Google Podcasts


 Expand Your Audience


So, you've recorded some amazing episodes, uploaded them to a hosting platform, and now? It's time to get your podcast out there and build an audience! Here are some strategies to consider:

 Launching a Podcast without an Existing Audience: 

 Social Media is Your Friend:   Promote your podcast on relevant social media platforms like Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook.  Share snippets of your episodes, create engaging graphics, and use relevant hashtags to attract listeners.


Engage with the Podcast Community:   Join online communities dedicated to podcasting and your niche.  Interact with other podcasters, offer your support, and subtly promote your show.


How Listeners discover podcasts

 Engaging on Social Media: 

 Go beyond just posting clips of your episodes.  Use social media to foster a community around your podcast.  Ask questions related to your topics, run polls, and respond to comments.  Building an interactive social media presence can keep your audience engaged and coming back for more.

Guest Features and Cross-Promotion

Collaborate with other podcasters in your niche:    Consider featuring fellow podcasters on your show or appearing as a guest on theirs. This allows you to tap into each other's audience and broaden your reach.

Cross-promote each other's shows:    Announce your guest appearances on your social media platforms and encourage your audience to check out your guest's podcast.

Run contests and giveaways:    Promote your podcast and incentivize subscriptions by running contests or giveaways related to your content.

Promoting on Podcast Directories: Submit your podcast to popular directories like Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Stitcher, and Google Podcasts. This increases discoverability for listeners actively searching for content in your niche.

Here are some fascinating insights that will help expand your perspective:

Most popular podcast editing software: Adobe Audition
Second most popular podcast editing software: Audacity
Average cost of podcast equipment setup: $200 - $500
Percentage of podcasts monetized through ads: 45%
Average CPM (cost per thousand impressions) for podcast ads: $18
Percentage of podcast listeners who have purchased a product advertised on a podcast: 54%
Percentage of podcasters who record from home: 62%
Percentage of podcasters who record in a professional studio: 15%
Most common length for a podcast episode: 20-40 minutes
Second most common length for a podcast episode: 40-60 minutes
Percentage of podcasts that release new episodes weekly: 55%
Percentage of podcasts that release new episodes bi-weekly: 20%
Top country by number of podcast listeners: United States
Second top country by number of podcast listeners: Brazil
Third top country by number of podcast listeners: United Kingdom


Building a Website 

A dedicated website for your podcast can be a central hub for all your content.    Here, you can list your episodes, share show notes, and provide ways for listeners to connect with you.  Additionally, a website opens doors for further monetization options like merchandise or premium content.


Via what devices listeners listen to podcasts

 Monetize Your Podcast


There's a misconception that podcasts can't be profitable.  While it takes time and dedication to build a listenership, many podcasters generate income through various methods:

 Advertising:   Partner with brands relevant to your niche to include sponsored ad segments within your episodes.

Patreon:    Set up a Patreon account to allow listeners to support your show through monthly subscriptions. Offer exclusive content or perks for your patrons.

Affiliate Marketing:    Promote products or services related to your content and earn a commission for each sale generated through your affiliate link.

Sell Premium Content:    Offer exclusive in-depth content, bonus episodes, or early access to new episodes for a premium fee.


The Final Mic Drop


The world of podcasting is exciting and offers a unique platform to share your voice, connect with a global audience, and even turn your passion into a profitable venture.  Remember, success doesn't happen overnight. Be patient, keep producing quality content, engage with your audience, and enjoy the journey!  With dedication and creativity, your podcast can become a powerful tool for building a community, establishing yourself as an expert, and potentially turning your passion into a thriving business. 

So, what are you waiting for? Grab your microphone, hit record, and get ready to share your voice with the world!  

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