Tips to Create More Engaging Landing Pages
The battle of conversion rate is won by the efficacy not by incorporating maximum aesthetic features to landing pages. Almost 40% visitors leave your website just because of delay in loading. And, there are many other factors too that drift your casual visitor to another website. Can you survive in highly competitive environment just by infusing intensive off page SEO efforts? The key to success in online business environment is to retain and impress the first time visitor in the shortest possible period. The following tips will help you to design the most optimized landing pages.
Persuading Landing Page
Just having maximum loading speed of landing pages is not enough. Landing page must persuade the visitor to act further; and, using the emotional element is a versatile practice. Already filled feedback forms and action buttons are the persuasive elements that every landing page should have to engage the visitor longer.
Goal Oriented Landing Page Design
Define the conversion before you track the conversions. Goal may be different; so, you need the particular page design to support the specific cause. Sales, downloading of ebook, newspaper sign up etc are the different goals that guide to design an effective landing page. Businesses with more landing pages perform better than those that have traditional one or two landing pages.
Quality Information Is Vital
The landing page must offer necessary information in short and uncluttered manner. No need to say that quality content impresses, convinces and inspires to act.
Minimum Gap between Visits and Conversions
Persuade and help the visitor to act. Information architecture is the critical aspect of landing page. Navigation must be simple and obvious; absence of required information should not be the barrier between the conversion and visit. ‘Call to action’ buttons, eye- catching headlines and showcase displaying your products or services reduce the gap between the visits and conversions.
Visual Impacts for Quick Decisions
Visually pleasing landing pages keep the visitors engaged longer because of psychological and emotional threads created by videos, photographs and illustrations. According to a research report, “Almost 56% visitors expect the Videos on business website; and, 74.9% respondents accepted that video helped them to make the purchase ” .
UE is an expert in Web site design and online marketing in Toronto since 1997. If you need help with ecommerce website and sales online Please contact UE.