7 Tweaks to Increase the Conversion Rate after Mobilegeddon

mobilegeddon2 ss 1920 800x450Coming across new algorithm updates after Google Penguin, Google Panda has become a common experience but the focus of SEO masters immediately shifts to avoid any adverse impact now and in future. A new powerful algorithm update named ‘Mobilegeddon’ was introduced by Google on April 22, 2015. What was new this time? The answer is- it was a pre-announced algorithm update that Google rarely does. Does it make some special sense to you? Yeah, it was powered to deliver serious impact on existing rankings.

Importance Of Mobilegeddon You Can’t Neglect:

The reasons to inspire for Mobilegeddon introduction were the reports that indicate that about 60% online traffic comes through mobile devices; and, Google wants its mobile users to have the best experience with each click. Mobilegeddon, also known as mobilepocalyse or mopocalypse, was introduced to acknowledge the mobile-friendliness as the ranking signal. The algorithm change affected mobile searches worldwide delivering serious impact on rankings. However, Google repeatedly cited that this update may take days or even the weeks. It means, if you experience the sudden drop in ranking and conversion rate since few weeks then it may be because of Mobilegeddon. The following tweaks will help you to recover and improve the conversion rate and the traffic after Mobilegeddon’s impact.

Tips to Recover From Mobilegeddon’s Impact:

There may be two reasons for loss of traffic after Mobilegeddon- you don’t have mobile friendly website or your mobile friendly website is not properly optimized for small screens. The first possibility can be determined by free mobile friendly test tool. If it is not, you have three options for having the mobile friendly website- Responsive, Dynamic and Parallel.

There are four core values that form the effective strategy to recover to recover and improve the web’s performance after Mobilegeddon- Scrap anything that does not work with mobile devices; optimize the text for small screens; minimize the scrolling need and spaced out navigation and links for users’ convenience. Page speed is the most important attraction for mobile users; you should optimize the images, minify codes, leverage the browser caching and minimize the redirects. You should not block JavaScript, CSS and images; GoogleBot loves these elements to categorize the content. You should avoid use of flash, pop-ups and ‘fat finger’ template design. To show off the best information about your business, be concise while creating titles, meta descriptions and URLs. And, the last tip that I always suggest is to use local elements including your loyal brand champions to improve the conversion rate.