Ranking Factors That You Must Know For Better Marketing
Improving the rank is a never ending spree for the marketers because visibility is the core of any internet marketing strategy. Numbers of factors contribute in ranking of search results but some of those are critically important to support your marketing activities. Despite the continuous reshuffle in search engines algorithm parameters by Google, I have a compiled most effective ranking factors that will help you plan better your marketing activities through 2015 to 2016.
Ranking Factors That Contribute To Ranking:
Matching with user’s intent is the most utmost important. Google’s findings don’t depend only upon the exact keywords or phrases but Google interprets the on page information through keywords, close variants, entities and synonyms also. Easy to understand and engaging content pays back through ranking improvement. Numbers of links, page length and Hreflang use etc have moderate correlation with search results rankings, while, the use of HTTPS has low +ve correlation with ranking. Contrary to belief, numbers of links to particular page contribute in ranking; but, quality of links is important. There still exists a +ve correlation between exact-match domain and rankings. Top level domains like .com, .org etc. support your web’s ranking in Google’s search results. Anchor text is still an important ranking factor. Numbers of social media shares deliver strong impact to improve rankings. Engagement parameters including low bounce rate, high page views, stretched on-site stay etc are strong contributors to ranking.
Optimizing Ranking Factors For Better Marketing:
Regular website audit has become more important to keep the website ‘ranking penalty’ safe. It helps you to optimize keywords usage, mobile friendliness, urls structure, quality links, info-graphic, visuals etc. You should focus upon creating building and engaging the target communities through Social Media platforms. You should steer your marketing efforts to give your business’s presence the local flavor by incorporating more parameters than just the NAP. Brand building is a long term tactic to better conversion rate; you should do extra efforts to authorize brand citation. Positive reviews about your business instill the brand confidence, improve the conversions and contribute in local search ranking. Link building (no follow and do follow both) is not dead; it is still a strong ranking signal, provided, you make it relevant with purpose. The rank factors optimization should be to drive the relevant traffic for better conversion rate by building the social trust in your brand.