Traffic Is There But No One Buys, Why?

Sales funnel picture5 1 2013I often get mails from the web owners who accept traffic improvement after outsourcing SEO but also complain in parallel for low conversion rate or poor sale. As per my experience, it normally happens when the goals are not defined clearly with priority and the SEO Company starts the marketing campaign in hurry just to grab the business opportunity. If you too experience the same problem, analyze your marketing strategy to optimize it for the top priority- conversions.

Traffic Performance Is Not Directly Linked To Conversion Rate:

Traffic and conversions are two different aspects that determine the success of internet marketing plans. It is also true that some marketing plans for big corporate websites are designed for traffic and ranking only while some internet marketing plans are designed for quick lead generations and higher conversion rate. Traffic gain never guarantees for conversions improvement. Traffic gain benefits you in rank improvement, branding, promotion of new arrivals, community creation etc. All these benefits reflect that there should be sales/conversion improvement also but sometimes it doesn’t happen; so, you need smart internet marketing tools to go smooth in 2016. The more in common reasons for poor conversion rate despite good traffic are- Ill-defined products or Services; Too broad Target Audience; Poor performance of search engine marketing; Lack of encouragement to act; Poor content quality; Technical issues etc.

Hacks To Improve The Conversion Rate:

Visitors’ experience is the key to increase the conversion rate after Mobilegeddon. To elevate their experience at your business website , you should Keep the navigation simple to be used by anyone because too many options overwhelm the visitors to make them drift away. Can you buy something without being convinced with value proposition? You should enrich the offers with best value of tagged price; and, the offer should excel from that of close competitors. Your website must be designed with hidden ‘sales funnel’ that traps the visitor silently. Localization is another powerful instinct that convinces and encourages the visitors to buy; you should put all the information about the contact and support. Customer testimonials, case studies, 3rd-party reviews and social proof are the convincing and compelling elements; you should update these elements regularly. Optimized quality and quantity of provided information help the visitors to judge the standards and to act further; hence, you should emphasize upon putting and updating the engaging, relevant, precise, unique and keywords rich content.