Five Content Marketing Tips for Competitive SMO
Since the introduction of Google’s Hummingbird Algorithm, social media optimization (SMO) has become the critical exercise to support SEO, ORM and marketing plans. Content marketing has become the standard practice for competitive SMO because it delivers; however, if everyone is after the content marketing then you need to be different in strategy to garner better results. Wrestling to infuse maximum content through every possible social channel may not deliver because effective content marketing needs to be objective oriented. Following tips will help you in content marketing for effective SMO.
1. Make The Content Engaging And Shareable:
You should add the visual appeal to the content because the content with visual impressions gets better engagement than text oriented content on social media. The authentic and appealing statistics presented through SlideShare or Infographic abide the readers to follow your posts. The short sized content gets better attention; use of social share toolbar increases the viral potential even up to 700%.
2. Make The Content Social:
Internet users like authorized posts with flag of popular brands, impressive personalities and reputed bloggers; so, individuality is an important trait of content that you should not miss. Use of conversational tone enriched with words like you, please, share and comment etc, engaging info-graphic and eye grabbing images makes your content marketing more effective for SMO.
3. Engage The Trade Influencers:
Every trade has some well-known influencers; you should engage these personalities. Involvement of trade influencers with your content marketing instills the faith of target audience in your brand. Following the influencer’s blog, referring in posts, inviting for guest posts etc opens the door for this landscape besides improving your ORM benefits .
4. Reuse The Content:
Follow the response of posted content and reuse the most awarding content through different streams. This practice establishes the authority and brand consistency besides lowering the cost of content creation.
5. Make The Content Marketing Unique And Different:
You should invest good time to Know the target audience, their interests and trends. Internet users and the search engines like the unique and different information; so, you should empower the content for social media optimization with interviews, Q&A, Subscribes, stories, videos etc.