Three Mobile Marketing Trends You Should Know To Plan SEO 2016

three mobile marketing trendsRecent consumers’ behaviors and trends are forcing the digital transformation through the increasing use of mobiles and expectations for best of class mobile viewing experiences. Companies, poised for unabated planned growth, need to re-assess the current approaches, methodologies, technologies, service standards and investments. According to a press release by ABI Research- Christine Gallen, m- commerce is expected to share 24.4% of overall e-commerce revenue by 2017. So, as we are stepping ahead to welcome 2016, it is must to review and optimize our marketing and execution plans according to changed buying habits. Here, I share three latest mobile marketing trends to help you plan SEO 2016.

  1. Becoming compatible with new mobile realities is inevitable. Smart ecommerce owners are making the investments in mobile friendly websites and mobile apps both. These smart organizations don’t treat the mobile experiences as the experiment to improve the overall business performance; rather, these organizations see the mobile realities as the channel for monetizing and engaging the customer relationship. Smart business managers emphasize not only to create easy to handle apps but also to improve the users’ experience. The practice to update apps periodically puts the pressure on rivals; ideal period to update the apps is about 2-3 months. Here, I would specially mention that your application developer will have to share more responsibility because you can’t sacrifice the security to improve user experience.
  2. The current trends and Google’s algorithm updates confirm that location based marketing is going to be the mainstream. After the release of Google’s Pigeon update (2014) , the importance of local SEO has increased much compelling the marketers to focus upon location based marketing. Native advertising gets more attention and responses because buyers tend to buy from nearest source. blogs, infographics and videos are going to be more effective marketing tools to entertain and convince the viewers. The purchasing-power, preferences, local trends and local competition should be critical focus areas for local SEO 2016 and beyond.
  3. Content marketing has been the prime aspect of any marketing plan but the growing dependency upon Mobile devices to share, compare and buy demands some changes to be incorporated in traditional approach; and, to use other peoples’ content for SMO is one of those . Social media is playing major role in ORM (online reputation management) and branding but it gives you limited space to say about your business. Precise, informative, share-worthy and local- keywords enriched content sharing gets more attention.