Seven Predictions You Must Know Before Starting Your Blog In 2016
Blogging has been a powerful marketing tactic to improve SEO, to drive traffic, to position the brand and to support ORM. Blogging has become the essential part of any online marketing strategy but because of becoming a traditional and common practice, you need to do something different to secure better blogging benefits in 2016 and after. Following predictions about the changing trends in 2016 will help you blog with cutting edge.
1. Metrics Would Matter Less Than Engagement
Numbers of metrics like page views, unique views and search engine ranking have been the serious concern for the new bloggers; and, they want to succeed in all of these. I see a shift in approach by 2016; you should focus more on engagement value rather than SEO metrics.
2. Unique Graphics And Images Will Get More Importance
Images are being used by the bloggers to empower the text with visual appeal since a long time but to get the desired response from your blog posts in 2016 or ahead, you should use only unique and original graphics and images. Free tools would be of great help to create shareable info-graphics.
3. Only Mobile Responsive Blogging Will Be Effective
Google punishes the non-mobile friendly web spaces after the announcement of Mobilegeddon on April 21, 2015. Only the mobile friendly and multi-screen adjustable blogs would be effective to hit the target audience as per expectations.
4. Blogs Will Look More Alike The Business Website
In 2016, blogs will look like a business websites with enhanced functionality. These would become the showcase to display your personal views as well as your products/services. You should start blogging as the extension of your business.
5. Presence On Social Media Will Be More Important
The importance of social media sites like Facebook, Google+, LinkedIn, Twitter, Pinterest etc is expected to grow more in 2016. In the near future, more social platforms will start allowing the members to make purchases from their accounts; Twitter accounts already have ‘Buy’ button. Hence, you should connect your blog with all the popular social media platforms to help you brand in 2016.
6. Numbers Of Newsletter Subscribers Will Be More Important Factor
Email subscribers have always been important for blogger but these would be more important in future. If you want to blogging as marketing tool, newsletter subscribers would be in majority at your online buyers’ community.
7. Comments On The Blog Posts Would Be Less Important
Today, reputed brands do not respond and track the comments on posts very much; instead, they focus to increase the clicks, conversion rate and engagement. To succeed in blogging in 2016 and after, you should post engaging and convincing content supported by the metrics, graphs, figures and references etc.