Tips To Fix Link Inefficiency for Healthy SEO

tips to fix linkMy friend Daniel, the owner of an ecommerce store in Ontario (Canada), always complains about low traffic despite investing good for SEO. Because of being in SEO, SMO field since a long period, I come across similar concerns from other web owners also. The reason for SEO failure in traffic drawing is very common but rarely noticed. Have you ever thought about ‘Link Inefficiency’? Link Inefficiency has become more important after the recent search results algorithm updates by Google that have limited the space and scope for creating the backlinks. Following tips will help you to identify and fix Link Inefficiency for healthy SEO.

  1. Link Inefficiency means that your linkworthy quality content is not properly linked to website pages. Start the audit for Link Inefficiency with introspection. Check - Does your content has information about new development at your business, call for action by clients, and the latest information in trade niche to make them engaged?
  2. You should audit content assets for linkability, actual links and content quality; these are critical areas where marketers commit most SEO mistakes that you should avoid for penalty safe website in 2016. I suggest some effective tools that may help you audit the content assets- MozBar, Open Site Explorer and BuzzSumo’s Content Discovery.
  3. The next step for you should be the evaluation of linkable pages. You might have numbers of pages that seem good at first sight but still you need to audit the content quality as per the metrics mentioned in 1st tip above. More shared content may not drive the traffic as much as a page hit on social media. Addition of video, graphics, slide deck and widget etc improves the traffic traction ability of content.
  4. You should contribute to get the attention. You should contribute your linkable content to others’ blogs; similarly, you should use quality content in press releases to make them traffic gainer. You should also try paid social media adds to get quick and relevant traffic with high conversion possibility. Google’s PPC (pay per click) is also a good option that allows you to act as per available budget.

The take away to fix the content link inefficiency for healthy SEO: create, audit, evaluate, contribute and track.