Simple SEO Mistakes You Should Avoid For Penalty Safe Website in 2016

Tsimple seo mistakeshe big concern for the SEO and the expectations for its rapid results may drive you to commit some mistakes that are sure to draw the penalties in one way or the other. It is true that SEO is inseparable from internet marketing strategy but you need to do it in guided way. During last few years, SEO has transformed completely because of numbers of Google’s search results algorithms. Today, you need to be more careful in SEO practices to avoid any penalty or adverse ranking impact in future; following simple tips may help you for safe and rewarding SEO.

  1. Audit your website design strategy. You should not intrigue all the eye-catching features in web pages. SEO should be in your mind while planning for web design. If your website has page not found, 404 error, mirror pages, incorrect analytics, improper back-links, too many photo images, splash pages, poor categorization, improper tags/urls, poor content without effective keywords, too much flashes, complex navigation etc, then, you are sure to struggle more in SEO.
  2. If your website is not mobile friendly with multi screen compatibility, you are sure to waste your SEO efforts. After Mobilegeddon on April 21, 2015, Google confirmed that the mobile friendly website would get priority in search results.
  3. If your SEO team is investing efforts with poor quality content, your website would hardly be noticed in search results. Periodic content audit and fixing link inefficiency for healthy SEO should be on must to do list.
  4. Fine selected Keywords contribute in SEO success. The practice to rank with high-ranking keywords or the costliest set of keywords in Google’s Adword will not deliver as per expectations unless you use the local search terms, phrases, synonyms, long tail keywords etc. A peep at RankBrain: The Artificial Intelligence in Google Search Results will be of great help.
  5. The backlinks intended to influence PageRank in search results are considered violation of Google’s Guidelines. Backlinks creation has been the traditional and much sought after SEO practice. Periodic links audit may save your website from penultimate action.
  6. Neglecting growing importance of social media will put barrier to your SEO success. You should make the social media unique sharing, comments cropping, reviews generation, authorization etc as the part of SEO plan.