Common Misconceptions About Website Analytics

common misconceptions about website analyticsAs a website owner you are sure to keep a close eye on your website analytics. While you want to keep a close eye on user trends, you must remember that your statistics can be easily misconstrued. Below are some common misconceptions about some of the most relevant website analytics.

The Truth About Bounce Rates

A “bounce rate” refers to how many people visit only one page on your website before leaving the site. While your goal is to inspire your visitors to browse elsewhere on your site, not every “bounce” is a negative. With mobile web browsing at an all-time high, many visitors are only searching for something specific. For example, a visitor may “bounce” because they were confirming your address, or because they needed your phone number. Or maybe a blog post showed up in search results, providing visitors with the exact information they were searching for—so there is no need to visit another page.

Time Spent On Site

While you don’t want the amount of time your visitors spend on your website to be low, particularly high averages are not always a positive indicator. If a visitor spends 10 minutes on your website exploring your products, or reading blog posts—their time spend is a positive. If a visitor spends 10 minutes on your website frustrated by slow page load times, or searching through every page trying to find an answer to their questions—not so good.

How Many Pages Visited

Just as with time spent on your website, a higher number of pages visits in not indicative of a positive user experience. With features such as infinite scroll, and the move to fewer—but cleaner and more effective pages, visiting just two pages could produce a productive visit.

As a website development company and online marketing company serving the Toronto area, we know how to ensure that your traffic and engagement is high.
