3D TV is Dead

Certain technologies simply fail to gain popularity and die a humiliating death. In 2017, the 3D television is officially dead with all major players ceasing production of the once revolutionary digital media and entertainment technology.

Sony and LG were the last two TV manufacturers to incorporate 3D functions in their high-end gadgets. It is now a fact that the production of televisions that have the capability of giving the viewer the chance to watch 3D television shows or movies will come to an end. These two followed in the footsteps of other television manufacturers to dump 3D technology such as TCL, Vizio, and Sharp, who proceeded to do away with the technology.

3D Inclusion

When the 3D blockbuster movie Avatar was released in theatres in 2010, it was a huge success. The TV makers took it as their cue to mass-produce the technology. They employed the best engineers to make the technology work in television and devised marketing strategies/campaigns to cash in on the 3D technology.

Still in 2017, seven years later, the technology has not caught on universally, especially within a domestic setting. Studies continue to show that 3D technology is not a factor to consumers shopping for a new TV set. Here are several reasons as to why it never caught on:

• Lack of 3D content, where media houses ESPN and DirecTV ceased the production and broadcasting of 3D content in 2012-13.

• Clunky 3D glasses that consumers described as annoying with a heightened feeling of self-consciousness when wearing them

• Not everyone could enjoy the 3D feature if there were not enough glasses.

Today, TV makers are placing their focus in including HDR, 4K, and smart-TV features to woo prospective customers.