How to Build a High-Performing Email Marketing Campaign in 6 Easy Steps
Email marketing campaigns are an ideal opportunity to re-ignite the interest of subscribers and see more revenues. There are many aspects to building a high-performing email marketing campaign though. Here’s where we recommend starting.
3 answers to make or break your email marketing
Before getting started, determine what users are coming to your website for, what problems they are aiming to solve, and how you intend to capture these leads and convert them into revenue. If you don’t already have these answers, the information you want may be located in what keywords are driving traffic, product and/or service reviews, and what pages are the most viewed.
Lead magnets that don’t quit
Lead magnets might include a how-to guide, a webinar or free course, a free consultation, a free trial, or a demo. Lead magnets like these provide a high amount of value and give preview into what you can offer your audience. A good practice is to work backwards from the product or service you are advertising and ensure that the interest your lead magnet generates corresponds to it.
Make an offer that they can’t pass up
Lead magnets should lead to an offer that is difficult to ignore. Align the offer to the intent your users initially opted in with. By knowing how to create content around an offer and using lead magnets to funnel consumers to the offer, there’s significant opportunity to increase revenues in no time.
Find a unique way to address new customers
See your business from the perspective of a new customer. Invest the time to ensure that new customers are being welcomed into the fold and made to feel happy to have opted in. Consider a ‘welcome’ email, or a follow-up to see if they are enjoying a product or service purchase. Thankfully, these are steps that can be automated. In response to checking in, you may acquire insights on where to improve or what other products you may want to recommend.
Engaging non-buyers is also key
Why every business should be working to engage non-buyers is because you never know what insights they may be able to provide. Perhaps there are large gaps in your sales funnel that aren’t being addressed. Consider sending a quick email asking what prompted a consumer to opt-out of a purchase. If you are getting the same answer from different customers, consider fixing what went wrong and slowly begin to see improved brand interactions.
Don’t allow leads to turn cold
After all of this hard work and once you have the customer opted into your email marketing campaign, this is where the maintenance part of the relationship begins. It’s important to continue building customer relationships and to not let their interest dissipate over time. Identify an appropriate ‘check-in’ schedule throughout the year to ensure that customers are still provided with reason to re-visit your brand.
Email marketing campaigns are used by everyone from entrepreneurs and small businesses to the world’s largest corporations. The wide array of different methods used to engage readers oftentimes incorporate successful tips and tricks that help to increase revenues off of interested parties. When done right, the possibilities are endless. Consider launching an email marketing campaign incorporating these tips into your strategy. Target everything correctly and just as other brands have seen, there is much success to be had!