Is My Website Design Trendy or Dated – A Look into the Future of Design

Is My Website Design Trendy or Dated – A Look into the Future of Design The type of web design that made the cut even a decade ago is significantly different from the way web pages are built today. Some business websites are quickly falling behind the curb, especially as trends in web design continue to change. So is your business website design trendy or date – let’s find out.


The future of web design is being slowly pulled towards pageless design. When we say ‘pageless design’, we mean a design where all of the content on a website is published on one long page. This is the opposite of what would be considered multi-page design, which is how the majority of business sites are built today. Though the future might be pageless, does that mean that, if your site is not pageless, it is somehow out of touch with the times – not necessarily.


Most of the philosophies surrounding contemporary web design involve building pages that are user-friendly, interactive, embedded with clear CTAs, and that use conversion rates as predominant measures of success. In order for each of these components to work successfully, they must be clear in the information they communicate. Websites are essential tools for businesses to communicate information about their products and services, using CTAs in the process. The multipage web design succeeds because it neatly structures information according to consumer interests, often times being divided among different service pages, different location pages, and allowing brands to embed entirely different pages and CTAs into one all-encompassing website.


Therefore, any business site that accurately and appropriately communicates its message should make for a successful design – in theory, anyways. In reality, businesses are working with consumer perspectives which establish clear lines between what is considered trendy, credible, authoritative, and appropriate, and what isn’t. Though a web design does not have to be highly experimental and reinvent the form, it should prove effective in its communications by capitalizing on important trends.


Think about all the other websites you are competing with for attention. There may not only be local competitors, but provincial/state competition, larger corporate conglomerates, and sites from all over the world. They’re all battling for the same space. Every second, new sites are being launched around the world – some with exquisitely beautiful design and most that are not. Pageless design is the future of web design and is something that slowly more businesses are going to be switching to because it’s the design theory that appeals to the current consumer base.


Pageless web design is the chosen choice for trendy websites because of its high level of responsiveness among mobile users. As impressive as a multi-page design might appear on a desktop or laptop computer, the same design applied on a mobile device wreaks havoc on user navigation. Currently, web design companies create responsive multi-page designs which are adapted to suit mobile screens, be it on a smartphone or tablet. A pageless web design however would be more advantageous, providing all information on a single page built for the mobile experience.


Think about where the majority of your customers are coming from. If it’s from mobile sources – as it for most websites – discussing the possibility of switching to a pageless design might be right for your site. Do away with the traditions, outdated conventions, and multi-page designs that are failing to gain significant traction on mobile screens. Instead, choose pageless designs to maximize the potential of the mobile audience and create a more satisfying, user-centric consumer experience.