5 SEO Myths you need to know about
Search engine optimization (SEO) strategies have dominated the internet for over a decade. Be it those who are new to marketing or those with a more developed knowledge, SEO continues to be a prominent marketing practice that all must learn. As SEO standards and strategies have changed over the years, there continues to be some sizeable SEO myths that should be busted. Here are our top 5 SEO myths everyone should know about.
Myth #1 – Videos and Images are not SEO
Videos and images have a huge role to play in search engine optimization. By using the correct metadata on videos and images, this provides yet another gateway to your site. In the same way one would build text content, employ the same strategies to developing videos and images – that is, valuable, share-friendly, and relevant content.
Myth #2 – SEO is a one-time implementation
High quality SEO techniques are designed to last for months and build up in effectiveness over time. This is not the kind of strategy that will deliver amazing results overnight. It takes time to build authority in the eyes of search engines. Also, over time, search engines will implement changes and updates, and the approach to SEO will change accordingly. So a commitment to SEO is long-term in the sense that it will require continual knowledge building.
Myth #3 – Hacking SEO is Easy
Google is usually smarter than anyone thinks it is. Attempting to trick Google will mean severe consequences for where your site ranks in their search engine. Even if you hack SEO in the most creative of ways, inevitably, search engines will find out. When they see that you’re not following the rules, your site will be penalized. We’ve seen it happen far too many times. Don’t try.
Myth #4 – Keyword Stuffing is a great idea!
The unnecessary use of keywords to boost search engine ranking will not work. Google’s algorithms used to have that flaw however they do not anymore. If a keyword is not entered naturally into content, don’t expect it to make a difference. In addition, a minimum keyword density between 1-2% is recommended. Instead of stuffing in as many keywords as you can, focus on building high quality content with a short list of keywords to choose from.
Myth #5 – Spamming with backlinks is something smart to do
When it comes to acquiring backlinks, always choose quality over quantity. Having five high quality backlinks have far more value to your site than having fifty very poor quality ones. If you want your website to rank high, falling prey to this is unfortunately all too common.
As SEO experts, we have made a living developing and implementing high quality solutions, fostering sales, customer acquisition, and conversion. These are the five myths we have found most site owners to gravitate towards. By being clear on these five points, this can help us build a strategy that makes use of all available resources and that nets the highest possible search engine ranking.
As evidenced, SEO is in a constant state of change. Every year, new updates arrive to the algorithm – some more important than others. It is always important to keep up to date. Partner with an SEO marketing firm like Unlimited Exposure for more information on how SEO strategies can help build your business.