Should you Invest in SEO or PPC Marketing – a Discussion

Should you Invest in SEO or PPC Marketing – a Discussion Comparing organic search engine optimization (SEO) against pay-per-click (PPC) advertising, there are some marketing experts who might prefer one over the other. At a time when the competition is fierce, it’s important to know where to invest one’s marketing budget.


The development of organic SEO strategies have been shown to be very successful at landing high search engine placement, however growing competition means keywords being increasingly difficult to achieve and maintain. Then, there’s pay-per-click advertising which is expensive in the long-term however has been responsible for building some big brands online.


To us, we do not favor one over the other. There is merit in both. That said, SEO marketing techniques do reach a completely different audience than PPC campaigns. What’s best for a company’s website depends on the target audience. For some, PPC may produce higher conversion rates than organic SEO can. For others, search engine optimization techniques can help build trust and legitimacy through search engine exposure.  To be successful, both may potentially have to be used in conjunction.


Today, website competition continues to increase. The ability to overtake search engines is not easy and to maintain it requires ongoing search engine optimization strategies. For this reason, many brands are turning to PPC campaigns. As more social media and advertising platforms stand to benefit, the internet continues to lean more towards PPC. Paid marketing campaigns are being presented in more effective ways than ever before, in part thanks to platforms like Google, which are going the extra mile to ensure that advertisements are getting a fair look.


Despite the surmounting popularity of PPC, that does not mean organic SEO is completely dying out. Every day, the average internet consumer will use a search engine at least twice. That’s a lot of free advertising for those that are able to successfully work organic SEO strategies. For sites willing to dedicate the time, resources, and yes, sometimes money, the rewards are bountiful. Boosting a site’s search engine ranking is important because its traffic is generally considered to be of a higher quality than PPC campaigns.


To see results through an SEO marketing campaign though, it does take time. That means using a PPC campaign can provide more instantaneous results, something well worth it for most sites. Receive immediate, targeted traffic and use this traffic to help generate keywords and more organic strategies that may not cost as much.


So which one is it; PPC or SEO – the answer lies in maximizing your dollar. If you have money to spend and need instant boosts in traffic, using PPC campaigns is bound to produce a result. That said, long-term SEO strategies are hard to beat and are highly recommended.


To succeed in internet marketing and online campaigns, search engine optimization is a primary component of that. Though it may take time, effort, and more, learning effective SEO strategies produces some real results. Always consult with an online marketing expert who is well versed in both approaches, in order to select what is best for your brand.


Demonstrating the advantages of both options, the future of online marketing is likely to continue to rely on both PPC and SEO long-term strategies. The best investment that any website can make is in a campaign appropriate for its immediate and long-term needs. Speak with a representative today at Unlimited Exposure for more information.