Why Online Marketing is not Working for your business

Why Online Marketing is not Working for your business For a website, digital marketing can help find a bigger audience, more brand reach, and higher sales. Keeping this in mind, where online marketing might be failing you is in its limitations. If your website is not selling well, it’s not necessarily strictly because online marketing techniques are not working. It could be from any number of offline influences that directly impact the effectiveness of online marketing. If you’re not doing what it takes offline to support your online activities, it makes it difficult for digital marketing to successfully accomplish everything it claims to be able to do.


Brands continue to invest in social media, websites, AI, and their digital experience. There continues to be a significant lack of acknowledgement of the relationship between the offline and the online with these investments. For example, even though the sales process may be initiated online, it may require a representative to close them offline to be able to complete the transaction. From the consumer perspective, there may also be a percentage that prefer interacting with a real person rather than shopping online for an item. If a website is not investing in the offline with similar importance as investing online, they may be unknowingly sabotaging online marketing efforts.


We’re not saying to stop investing in digital marketing because marketing online is hugely important to any business’ success. In many cases, it’s been the ultimate determinant in small business success – just remember the relationship to offline. Be it through social media marketing, email marketing, influencer marketing, video marketing, or elsewhere, the promises we make in the digital landscape need to be delivered on in the offline world. Evidence of this can be seen in the digital reviews for companies and corporate locations across the world. Browsing the reviews on Google for a business, in most cases, the reviewer is discussing the experience they had offline. Thereby, it’s important to build a rewarding offline experience piggybacking off the sales conversation started online.


What online marketing is hugely successful at is in generating interest, providing information, and starting a conversation. By tapping into an existing fan base in addition to new customers that may express interest, you can address concerns, unmet needs, and provide general information on products and services. If your online marketing is not working for your business, consider whether there is something going on offline that is causing you to lose the interest of qualified would-be customers. Also though, consider that you may simply need a more effective strategy. If digital marketing is not working, hiring a professional, expert-level online marketing company may be able to shine a light on the most profitable strategy moving forward.


The last thing we want to mention about online marketing is that the rules of what’s successful in the digital space are always changing. An online marketing strategy that worked even a couple years ago may no longer be as effective. This means constantly reviewing what’s working and what isn’t, and making adjustments as you see fit.


For more information on how online marketing connects to the offline experience, please speak with a representative at Unlimited Exposure today. Transforming the way brands and customers interact, digital marketing strategies are what we do best. If something is not working for your business, we want to know and help. Successfully build sales with Unlimited Exposure’s online marketing techniques guiding your brand in the digital space.