Content and Consistency are the 2 Guiding Rules to Long-Term Social Media marketing Success
Long-term social media marketing strategies focus on consistent effort equating to growth. Though content and consistency seems like a simple formula for social media success, it can still take time and effort to see real results.
For an experienced social media marketing agency like Unlimited Exposure, we’ve helped social media accounts grow and establish large followings over time. Through releasing of high quality content consistently across a schedule, this forms the basis for the social media marketing strategies we use to generate results.
1 – Unmistakeably unique, high quality content
Content will always be king. Past any fancy marketing tricks a marketer may have in their pocket, if the content is not any good, it’s not going to resonate with the people. The Internet is absolutely saturated with content in text, images, and video. To succeed, a social media account needs to find a way to build content that is high quality, visually appealing, thought-provoking, and original. It needs to be content that is relevant and optimized to share amongst your target audience.
Those who do it better than anyone use content that is engaging and powerful that catch the eye. By dedicating yourself to developing only the highest quality content, you are more likely to leave an impression on the user. This encourages them to further interact with a website or product. It can take some experimenting and hard work to find the right pieces of content however the benefits are well worth it. Always put in the work to create the best possible content!
2 – Consistency in posting schedule
Even if you have high quality content, it takes more than that to build an audience. Consistency is important, not just in posting schedule but in messaging. Content should build on itself, using similar, relevant subject matter. Ideally, the content will have a similar voice and help create a dependable narrative that users can tap into.
Beyond having a consistent voice across one’s content marketing on social media, you should also have a regular posting schedule. Posting once every two weeks is not going to work. For example, a platform like Instagram has brands posting anywhere from three or four times a week to once or twice a day on the regular. It all depends on what your audience is expecting, the industry you’re in, and the kinds of products or services you are marketing.
Content + Consistency = Social Media Success
Those most successful at content and consistency are those who see the greatest results from their social media marketing campaigns. Social media followers will come to expect and rely on high quality, consistent posts, and before long, you’ll have yourself a passionate following you can grow. Keep followers engaged and attract new ones. Create a strong online presence that moves you beyond your competitors and that puts you on the way to dominating the marketplace.
Do you want to make an impression on users, clients, and customers via social media – contact Unlimited Exposure to speak with a representative. For social media accounts who have partnered with us, they’ve yielded the highest returns and biggest results. If you’ve hit a wall with your social media efforts, don’t know where to start at growing your social media, and/or want to see the same growth for your social media accounts as others have with us, don’t hesitate to reach out to Unlimited Exposure.