Why we Should all Monitor Backlinks and how this Affects Site Authority
Links to your website have important influence on aspects of site authority and thereby, SEO. By recommendation, links like these immediately associate your site to that which is providing the link. The more backlinks you have, the more indicative it is to search engines that your site has important information on it worth consuming. When this happens, search engines are more likely to rank your site higher which should ultimately provide you with more views.
Despite the benefits of backlinks, there is a dark side to them as well. If websites less popular than yours are referencing your website, this can have a negative effect. There’s also anti-marketing techniques out there that competing websites could employ to use backlinks to decrease the popularity of your website to search engines. For this reason, we recommend monitoring backlinks and checking in regularly. This way, if there’s any suspicious activity going on, you should spot it early enough to be able to stop it.
Backlinks’ negatives require ongoing monitoring
When web traffic starts to slow down, we may not immediately assume it’s backlinks. Though it’s frowned upon in the search engine optimization marketing game, some websites have really dirty tricks that could target your site.
Bad-reputation websites are low quality sites usually filled with spam. When you receive a backlink from multiple bad-reputation sites, it indicates to a search engine that your site may fit the same category. Though one or two of these backlinks are not the end of the world, when they begin adding up to 50 percent, 60 percent, or 70 percent or higher of total backlinks, it’s a massive problem that’s in need of address.
Bad backlinks are not the end of the line for your website
If you do discover that your website is being attacked with bad backlinks, thankfully, it doesn’t mean everything is lost. As a digital marketing agency, we can work to un-attach and un-associate these backlinks from your website, from the perspective of search engines. Though it can take some time to rebuild site authority in the eyes of search engines, within six months of doing a full purge of negative backlinks, a website can see some tremendous results.
When one doesn’t monitor their backlinks, evidently, a lot is at risk. Too many customers find themselves in this situation. In the cases of websites who’ve never found the reason why their search rankings have suddenly fallen so low, a lot of them end up inevitably closing up shop.
Protect your website with high quality web design, marketing, and monitoring
We don’t want to have to see any website shut down because of negative-impact backlinks. At Unlimited Exposure, though a large part of our business is in strategizing and implementing strategy, we also monitor every aspect of a website’s design and marketing. If your website is not performing well on search engines, we will find out why and do everything to repair it. As a top website design and digital marketing agency, we’re not going to let something like monitoring backlinks fall through the cracks.
Speak with a representative at Unlimited Exposure today for more information on how to set up your website with monitoring and protection. Don’t let your website be attacked, discredited, and eliminated by underhanded techniques from competition or a flawed backlinks strategy. Work with Unlimited Exposure and see real results in no time!