4 Reasons why your Website is not generating Leads and Boosting Conversions
You’ve done everything right. You’ve invested time, effort, and money in all the right places. Your website looks great, is mobile responsive, and has all its CTAs properly distributed. Yet, even so, it’s not generating leads.
Sadly, a well-designed website does not mean the leads are automatically going to start rolling in. There are several things that could get in the way, unintentionally sabotaging your efforts. If you’re not getting leads and/or are still struggling with a low conversion rate, here are 4 reasons why you may be stuck.
You’re not making it about the customer
The absolute best websites design and execute based off of what they see through the eyes of the customer. No consumer wants to feel “played”. They want to have a genuine connection with a brand. For a brand to succeed in building that connection with the customer, they must know what subjects their customers are interested in and what motivates them. Just because your website, product, and services are amazing, if a consumer doesn’t see the value in it for them, they won’t buy in.
You’re not giving the customer enough of a reason to love you!
If you’re finding it a struggle to get customers to love your brand, consider providing them with something like an exclusive sale, a BOGO offer, or a free sample. Consumers shopping eCommerce love free stuff. A great way to generate leads while showing customers how easy it is to do business with you is to offer something free. A customer is more likely to return after they’ve made a purchase with your brand, even if that is a free gift. Once you’ve established that trust, this goes a long way in generating return visits and possible word-of-mouth traffic.
You’re not generating enough traffic
If you aren’t boosting conversions or generating leads, part of the issue may be you’re not attracting enough traffic. Partnering with a digital marketing agency, they can help in activating key social media marketing channels, search engine optimization (SEO) strategies, and more. Publishing high quality blogs that demonstrate authority and expertise is also a great way to pull more eyes to your site. These all make for an excellent starting point in increasing traffic numbers.
Your website is not good enough to close the sale
Though they may look impressive, websites can still have fundamental issues that prevent them from closing sales. Evaluate the direction a user is expected to take across your site prior to making a purchase. You may need to cut out a step here or there, simplifying the more complex parts. Look at your analytics to see where you are losing visitor’s attention. There may not be enough CTAs embedded in your design or perhaps they are not located in the right place.
If you’re unhappy with lead generation, conversion rates, or traffic numbers, consider partnering with a professional web design and digital marketing firm. They should be able to audit your website, inspecting it to see where things have gone wrong. Imagine seeing it from the eyes of the customer. In this situation, your customer knows best. If you can successfully build for the customer and give them the right support, closing a sale can be made easier. For more information on what you can do to see your business website soar, contact Unlimited Exposure today.