Is your SEO Company not performing to your standard – well, it might be time to let them go!
SEO is one of the places new websites like to start when seeking to gain an audience. In fact, ninety-three percent of digital marketing experiences for new sites begins with targeting search engines. Those who have tapped into search engine optimization strategies have reaped the rewards, driving sales, retaining audiences, and re-engaging past customers.
Despite the high rewards, SEO is a long-term game. Any day, a site can drop from page 1 to page 5 and with no visible explanation. As you’re jockeying for top position so are the majority of your competitors. Considering more than 75 percent of users will never scroll past the first page of search results, getting on that first page is high priority for any SEO company. As a site owner yourself, if you’re beginning to lose traction on search engines, maybe it’s time to question if the SEO company you’ve hired is doing its job.
Don’t be afraid to ask what they’ve been doing
If you’re not getting results, the first thing to look into is what your SEO company has been doing to manage your search engine rankings. Losing search engine ranking, seeing traffic tank, watch backlink profiles begin to turn, or being unclear of the strategies used are all reasons to engage in a conversation with your digital marketing company. Remember, you’re paying for these services and thereby, you have the right to know what’s up.
Now it might not always be your SEO company’s fault for a loss in rankings. There are plenty of external factors to account for, such as Google updating its algorithms and/or competitors upping their game. If your web design has recently undergone significant changes, that may be a reason for the loss in rankings. By taking a look into and evaluating an SEO company’s efforts, you may at least determine whether they’ve been doing their job.
Do you need to fire your SEO specialist – maybe!
If they’re not delivering results, you need to decide whether to give them another opportunity at it or to let them go. In the world of SEO, it’s all about results. Judge them only on the basis of what they’ve been able to deliver in accordance with what they’ve promised. In many cases, companies establish six-month or twelve-month contracts as a means of holding them accountable. If they cannot deliver what they are obligated to, consider letting them go.
In many cases, you’ll want to ask for a report. Consider asking another SEO service to conduct a website audit. Though it’s important to be aware that other services are always going to be selling, they may help confirm there are ongoing issues that your current company are not following up on. Consider going online yourself and introducing your problem to the different SEO communities out there. They may also be able to give insight into where the blame should lay.
SEO is tough. There’s no ifs, ands, or buts about it. It’s tough for any website to get that number one spot but with a digital marketing and SEO agency at your side, it’s accomplishable. For a crucial partner in your SEO journey, contact Unlimited Exposure today. A representative would love to speak with you to address any issues with your website and customize an appropriate solution.