Why 99% of Businesses will Increase their Digital Marketing Spending in 2019

Why 99% of Businesses will Increase their Digital Marketing Spending in 2019

From small businesses to the largest corporations, digital marketing investments continue to increase. According to recent reports, more than 99 percent of businesses in North America are planning to increase their digital marketing spending in 2019.

Why this is the case is for many reasons. Digital marketing touches upon all aspects of marketing in the online world, including email, social media, video, eCommerce, and more. Almost 41 percent of all businesses in North America with more than 100 employees invest more than $500,000 in digital marketing every year. Alongside these investments comes an opportunity to maximize one’s marketing dollar. Unlike offline marketing, in the digital space, there’s a lot of tools one can use to monitor whether a strategy is working or not. And, if/when it’s not, an experienced marketer knows what to do to change it or to get it working.

Why digital marketing receives such a high investment is because of the changes that occur naturally over time in the online space. Every year, there are new marketing channels being developed while other channels begin to fade out. Knowing how to maximize what’s there is an important piece of the puzzle. This is even the case with many offline marketing methods. In recent years, things like pamphlets, billboards, flyers, and print ads have seen reduced popularity because of how effective many digital marketing channels are.

In this day and age, so many of us are online constantly throughout the day. Using our smartphones, we search, watch videos, listen to podcasts, and so much more. Unlike offline strategies, when you place an ad online, it has the potential to be seen by an infinite audience. Some of the most effective marketing channels appear to be email marketing and social media marketing. Email marketing sends direct-to-consumer messages advising them of different products, services, promos, or news, and brings them back to your website for further exploration. Social media marketing works to increase the number of likes, shares, and ultimately, visibility throughout one’s social media space. These are just two of the channels marketers like to focus on.

Not every business works the same though. In some cases, email might be the recommended marketing channels to pursue while for others, it might be Instagram, Facebook, or Twitter. Then, there are some who might be advised to go after search engine placement and SEO strategies. Speaking with different companies, it’s all about your business and what your business needs. What you’re most comfortable with and what is suggested to be the most effective channel is is the recommended route.

If you’re concerned with generating a return on your marketing dollar, digital marketing comes closer to providing a guarantee than offline methods. Digital is where the vast majority of consumers are at and it’s where information is being shared today. As experienced digital marketing professionals, we know there’s a massive amount that can be done with even a small budget to generate a sufficient return.

For more information on how to get involved in digital marketing or to change your digital marketing strategies, contact a representative at Unlimited Exposure today. If you want to reach your target audience, you need to go where they are. Digital continues to be a hot space for marketing. Get on board today with a team experienced with where you need to go!