We Can’t Ignore Mobile Digital Marketing Anymore as it’s Taking Over Desktop Traffic!

We Can’t Ignore Mobile Digital Marketing Anymore as it’s Taking Over Desktop Traffic!

Mobile platforms are the most effective in digital marketing. Smartphones, tablets, and digital device traffic has taken over from desktops. If you are looking to appeal to the widest possible audience, if you haven’t already, it’s time to switch to a mobile-first digital marketing strategy.

Do you know anyone who doesn’t have a smartphone – we don’t. From Google changing its search engine ranking algorithm to mobile-first to the proliferation of mobile applications, smartphones have become the go-to platform to search the Internet. Sadly, there are still some websites that are not mobile-responsive. ‘Mobile responsiveness’ is the ability of a website to adjust its presentation according to screen size. That means, on a mobile device, a mobile-friendly website will adjust all elements to accommodate the viewer and to maximize the potential for a conversion.

Every day, we use our smartphones to look up business listings, business addresses, to search, watch video, to be entertained, and to browse social media sites. Take advantage of that audience. Go beyond mobile responsiveness and actually implement a mobile marketing strategy. How to get started in mobile marketing is just as you would with regular digital marketing and that’s to identify your audience, identify your goals, and define the metrics you intend to measure success.

Some businesses, all they use is mobile marketing and they generate hundreds of thousands of return off it. Why it’s such a preferable marketing channel is because of the captive audience promised. Every day, frequently throughout the day, we’re checking out phones. That’s opportunity to catch someone’s eye with an email, Facebook post, or notification. Sending relevant marketing messages like these can have an instantaneous impact if you’ve done your targeting right. Then, there’s the potential to connect with users on a device they have personalized for themselves. Think about it. The smartphones we choose for ourselves have our photos, notes, contacts, and so much on them. By creating conversation between your brand and your customers on their personalized device, it leaves a more intimate connection.

Mobile marketing can also get the word out quick. If you haven’t hit your monthly sales targets, dropping one-time sale at the last minute via smartphone notification, email, or social media is smart. Furthermore, multiple studies have shown customers are more likely to make an eCommerce purchase on their smartphones than they are on their computers. There’s a real opportunity here to appeal to happy, satisfied, in-the-moment customers. Consider using links to specific products or sending out generalized notifications to get people clicking on your site.

Lastly, there are two final things that make it difficult to ignore the benefits of going with a mobile-first digital marketing strategy. Firstly, the customer experience on mobile is second to none making purchases speedy, easy, and positive. Secondly, it’s a low-cost way to advertise. There’s no need to manufacture a video, write a blog, or anything like that. Cost-friendly mobile digital marketing is a keen alternative to spending hundreds on other techniques.

For more information on mobile marketing and digital marketing that maximizes your dollar, contact Unlimited Exposure. Speak with a representative to find proven marketing techniques that’ll work in a digital device arena. If you haven’t yet jumped on the bandwagon marketing to smartphones, tablets, and other digital devices, now’s the time!