6 Biggest marketing Issues you may Need to Confront in 2019

6 Biggest marketing Issues you may Need to Confront in 2019

The unique marketing challenges of 2019 are going to push brands to overcome and ultimately should create stronger businesses than ever before.

If you’ve done well in 2018, the next year should be a premiere opportunity to generate bigger numbers and higher returns. In this article, we hope to highlight just a few of the marketing issues marketers will be forced to confront.

Customer’s Digital Journey Continues on and on

A customer’s digital journey will never end. At every stage of the buying journey, consumers in increasing numbers are plunging themselves into digital channels. More important than interactions with customer service reps, buyers of every age group are going online to find information. That means brands are challenged to be consistent in providing buying support online just as they would offline.

Cloud-based Information Storage done right

Customer engagement involves the collection of private, confidential information. In a world where online security threats are the norm, information storage must be done right. Whenever possible, a company should not be keeping personal data on consumers. If/when they do so, permission must be sought from the consumer. This creates a marketing challenge in how to balance information accumulation while respecting the rights of the individual.

Customers are Not Data, They’re People

Though AIs and automated marketing make it so that people are being treated more like data sets, the brands who go the extra mile in personalizing their marketing to real human beings the more likely they’ll see favorable returns. Customers are not archetypes. They come with their unique needs that, if not met by you, will surely be met by a competitor. Always incorporate context and customer perspective into every component of the marketing plan.

Automation v. Personalization

Personalization is highly effective at appealing to customers in physical, digital, and cognitive centers. Though AI and machine learning is on the increase, don’t forget about personalizing to the client and creating intuitive, adaptable experiences that are emotionally engaging. No matter what category of product or service you offer is in, it’s not a ‘one size fits all’ situation. Brands are going to have to go beyond this, if they hope to achieve the returns they want to.

Increasingly Customized Experiences

The more data we have, the more digital insights we have into customizing experiences for consumers. This is great for brands but also pushes up the competition in the digital space. More and more, we are seeing companies with the best data as the ones who are succeeding. If a brand is serious about building a strong customer experience, one must work closely with their client base to figure out how to deliver personalized messaging that is meaningful and engaging.

The Rise of Corporate Platform Variables

The rise of digital platforms like Disney, Facebook, Amazon, Google, and Apple make digital marketing an unpredictable place. It’s a puzzle waiting to be solved. More of consumers’ digital experience is being manipulated by the corporate world’s biggest players. With that comes opportunity. For websites who understand the power these platforms have, they have the advantage in shaping customers’ experience.

For more information on how to maximize your digital marketing dollar, speak with a representative at Unlimited Exposure today. Specializing in video marketing, SEO, eCommerce, email marketing, and other areas, we can help in reaching new audiences and growing your revenue base.