8 SEO Principles to Use in Launching your New Website!

8 SEO Principles to Use in Launching your New Website!

So you’ve just bought your domain name and are ready to launch your new website. Congrats!

There are evidently lots of things to get in place before your website can really be maximized to its fullest potential.

A quick checklist for any successful site design will likely have several SEO principles listed. Needless to say, a new site should always make SEO a priority, as it’ll be what helps get it seen by search engines, on social media, and more.

Here’s everything you need to remember in getting your new website ready!

Install Google Analytics

Using this analytics on-site software, you can see how many people are visiting your website, where your traffic is coming from, what pages are being seen, and other important data. Through Analytics, you can better see what’s working and what isn’t with your site’s design.

Check for coding errors

Double-check for any broken links, missing titles, bad redirections, pages lacking tags, or an unsecure checkout for eCommerce sites. The quickest way to do this is to run a crawl of your whole site. Pay close attention to all errors that come up and get them fixed before you launch.

Test usability with a third party

Check to see how easy a site is to navigate, if there are issues popping up, or preferences left unaddressed. A website should also work well across all devices, be it smartphone, tablet, or desktop.

Implement social media

Embed social media links on your site’s pages to integrate your social accounts into your web design. This helps to create a circle of authority and makes it easier for users to switch between platforms to connect with your brand in different ways.

Create a sitemap

A sitemap helps to speed up how a search engine crawls and indexes your website’s pages. It’ll also ensure no pages are missed and that everything is indexed properly. Furthermore, any site with several products and/or services can also use a sitemap to keep things organized for visitors.

Create an Excel list

You can use Excel to list press contacts, bloggers, and industry partners. Increasing authority across a site relies on connecting with contacts within your industry to talk about your website, provide high quality backlinks, and potentially link you up with key influencers.

Complete your keyword research

Keywords are integral to SEO and social media marketing. For your website to be found by non-customers online, find out what keywords, terms, and questions your content should zero in on. Identify the competition surrounding your selected keywords and make a list of yours.

Create a blog on-site

Blogging provides new, relevant content on the regular. A blog also allows you to provide customers with company updates as needed. An effective approach to getting visitors to your site, a blog is tailor-made for keywords and in return, you’ll see your search engine rank rise rapidly.

Launching a new website comes with a lot of responsibility. These eight essential SEO principles sets your site up for maximum success. By implementing these tips and tricks today, you begin building towards a better tomorrow. If you want to take your new website to the next level with digital marketing, social media, eCommerce, email marketing, and/or making use of other channels, contact a representative at Unlimited Exposure.