Top 5 Popular Digital Marketing Mistakes that’ll Cost Retail Businesses Massive Sales this Christmas

Top 5 Popular Digital Marketing Mistakes that’ll Cost Retail Businesses Massive Sales this Christmas

Creating personalized eCommerce experiences, bringing together the best of digital marketing and AI, is going to win big numbers this holiday season. As much as one might seek to increase revenues for an eCommerce site with cost-effective digital strategies, it’s important to know the common mistakes that have befallen others in order to avoid them. Here’s some of the worst mistakes we’ve seen others made that, in the long run, has cost them millions!

No testing.

Any change you make to your mobile responsive eCommerce site or design-related digital marketing strategies should be tested to measure its potential impact on sales and engagement. No testing means you won’t fully understand how your customers may react.

The best way to drive revenues is to understand how well an idea might perform, something which is only achievable through testing. That’s what drives better results, ensuring your eCommerce marketing is not wasted.

A site which does not personalize.

A/B testing oftentimes results in a single page or method being superior to others. Just because there is a ‘superior’ page however, this does not mean one page suits every demographic the same.

In the same way you may personalize a landing page, consider personalizing your website to different visitor segments. Consider customizing your shopping cart page, as an example. Purchase-reinforcing headlines and photos are a great way to ensure a visit does not abandon their shopping cart without concluding with a purchase.

Customers and repeat visitors are less valuable than first-time visitors.

So much attention is focused on first-time visitors even though there’s more value in building a long-term, deeper connection with return buyers. Ensure customers receive personalized communications that thank them for a purchase they’ve made or a product viewed.

Consider sending them content and/or offers that demonstrate an appreciation of loyalty. Customers always enjoy being remembered and treated like people, rather than numbers.

No alignment between visual ads and your website.

If you’ve invested a lot into your eCommerce digital marketing campaign, your visual ads should look identical to what appears on your site. Where there is no visual alignment between your marketing and its site, it can significantly reduce conversions.

New seasonal eCommerce campaigns can be challenging to launch as, in many cases, eCommerce sites don’t personalize in the same way. Adapt your site to the campaign and you shouldn’t see any issues in your landing page performing as expected.

Assuming customer behaviour this year will be the same as last’s.

Just because you tested an idea successfully last year and it worked does not mean the same applies this year. Audience demographics, audience priorities, and audience behaviour changes.

During high-traffic periods, you should have relevant data to draw from. It’s not practical to rely on time-tested strategies because eventually they will fail. If you’re serious about maximizing conversions, one must invest time and effort into seeing what works today.

Find the perfect eCommerce digital marketing strategy for Christmas and beyond with Toronto’s own Unlimited Exposure. We know visitor preferences, needs, and behaviours are always changing. We invest significant time and effort into crafting safe, cost-effective campaign, maximizing every dollar you put in. This holiday season, don’t lose out on millions. Learn from popular mistakes others have made and win big for your brand partnering with Unlimited Exposure!