5 Steps to a Strong Digital Marketing Campaign that does not quit!

5 Steps to a Strong Digital Marketing Campaign that does not quit!

A digital marketing campaign which packs a punch is built intelligently, maximizing select channels and strategies to deliver steady, long-term results. Sadly, up to 46 percent of brands will not have a defined digital marketing strategy going into 2019. If you don’t plan ahead and/or if you don’t know what you’re chasing for, there’s no way to achieve those results. Don’t go into the next year without a digital marketing plan. Here’s 5 areas to weigh in building yours.

1 – Set an objective.

The first step towards a successful digital marketing campaign is in defining the objective. Be specific with your KPIs and knowing what you’ve achieved in the past with other campaigns, be realistic. Setting expectations too high will mean disappointment when they’re not achieved. Identify how you intend to measure your KPIs, such as through Google Analytics.

2 – See the mistakes you’ve made.

By knowing where you’ve gone wrong before, you can avoid those same traps this time around. Analyze your success, just as you have your failures. You may also want to analyze your competitors’ success in the same time period you are analyzing. See what keywords they’re choosing and what’s driving traffic. Compare your organic and paid traffic.

3 – Speak the language of your audience.

Always keep your audience in mind when planning your digital marketing campaign. Cater to the needs of your audience and satisfy their expectation. Note age, gender, location, and any other relevant information. Identify the problems your target audience may be having and see what way is best to resolve them. Attempt to determine their goals, aspirations, and what matters to them. Create an ‘audience persona’ you can build content around.

4 – Know your budget and don’t overextend yourself.

Stick to building a marketing plan that is within your means. Over-extending your budget is a big risk. Audit your digital marketing channels to see whether your budget is being well-spent. Determine what’s worked before cost-wise, decide on whether you want to use paid advertisements or go organic, allocate portions of the budget to each digital marketing channel, and if something isn’t working, don’t hesitate to revisit it and re-assign your dollar.

5 – Create a plan and adjust as you go as-needed.

After you have a plan in place, recognize you’re not going to follow everything to a tee. Even experienced marketers need to make adjustments as they go. Not every assumption will be correct. There are things you can’t predict and so it is essential to monitor performance, making adjustments as the conditions change. Thereby, maintain a network of KPIs to pay attention to, check your campaign at regular intervals, isolate each digital marketing channel and evaluate, and measure everything against your objective ensuring you’re still on the right track.

Advanced digital marketing techniques is what awaits when you sign up as a partner with Unlimited Exposure. We can help in successfully driving and delivering strategic campaigns, maximizing your digital marketing dollar. Results are what we live on. We’ll conduct routine analyses, identify buyer personas, and ensure your budget is properly allocated. See digital marketing success that lasts with strategies that work. Join us today!