Humanizing your Brand will win you More Leads, More Conversions, and More Success!

Humanizing your Brand will win you More Leads, More Conversions, and More Success!

In marketing, we’re always taught to treat the human beings in front of us as our buyers and thereby, our companies, our brands, and our websites as our business. This distinction sometimes ends up being reflected in the content and marketing businesses put out.

Humanizing your brand is something a lot of companies do extremely well. Contemporary customers are sick of being sold to and they’re tired of hearing about how great you are. As business owners, you’re always told your customers come first. Assuming one believes this to be true, humanizing yourself is not a bad strategy in winning the hearts and minds of your customers.

Don’t start with your campaign and trying to fit your audience into it – start with the customer. Reaching customers is easy if you listen. In many cases, customers want to consume content. They’re on their smartphones and tablets to do just that. If you can provide them something unique, meaningful, and important, that’s going to catch their attention. All in all, providing value goes a long way in retaining them as interesting leads as well.

Relevance is also king when it comes to content delivery. Remember, if your content is not relevant to your audience, that’s never going to win you the leads and conversions you want. Everything from the initial stages of qualifying a lead through to setting up that last CTA should include context.

You may have heard about the value of creating customer personas as a way to segment followers. Do the same thing for your brand. Give it a personality. See how it meshes with your customer’s personas. Perhaps there are some characteristics you want to drop in and/or others you wish to add-in.

A great way to connect with your customers is to do so without selling. Speak to their heart with content that matters. Creating powerful and positive emotions in the customer is something that will get you remembered – even after they’ve closed your website and have gone on with their day. If you’ve participated in charitable moments, publicize them. If you’re involved in late-breaking news, spread the word. If there’s a way to create conversation or to give people a reason to engage with your brand, use every opportunity.

Humanizing your brand also involves speaking in a conversational tone. Your customers have questions. You can answer them. When you do, don’t speak like it’s a publicity statement from a business. Speak from human to human and build on that connection.

As one human being to another, the impact of what your brand has to say will take more meaning. Successfully managing your ecosystem of customers involves participating in your customer’s experiences, and appealing to their needs and desires. By building a catalogue of conversation, casual toned content, you’ll instantly see a difference with more clicks, more conversions, and more.

As expert digital marketers, we’ve helped build dozens of brands over the years. Humanizing one’s business has always been an important facet of our digital marketing strategy. People are not interested in speaking with a general business entity. They want to speak to other human beings. They want to feel heard, get their questions answered, and make a connection. If you can humanize your brand and foster a great connection with your customers, the sky’s the limit. Speak with a representative at Unlimited Exposure today.