How to Diagnose a Dying Website and what you Can Do to Fix It
Just because a business has a website does not guarantee them any amount of success online. What’s never spoken about is that most websites fail. The vast majority of them, in fact, do not gain enough audience, clicks, and money to sustain themselves. Within six months, a website is highly likely to fail. For the sites which succeed, eventually, they may run into difficulties at maintaining their audience or they may see their analytics begin to go down. This is somewhat normal.
If you believe your website is dying, you may be asking yourself whether there’s a cure – in some cases, there is. The thing to start with is to take a look at your vital signs and see where the problem’s at. At your fingertips, you have likely dozens of analytics to comb through. Sometimes, the landscape is so competitive that the audience will be stretched thin across multiple websites. Other times, you may have a competitor so good at capturing the audience that they’re taking yours. At other times, you may simply be losing customers somewhere along the sales funnel. Depending on which of the three it is, there’s a different way to fight it.
A highly competitive market with too many competitors is going to require your brand to differentiate. A competitor that’s gathering the audience better will mean your brand has to work smarter to win the audience back. In your analytics, you may also find where your issue’s at. Perhaps you’re not generating enough leads or maybe you’re generating leads however conversions are not happening. There are literally dozens of possibilities for where a website or digital marketing may have gone wrong. If you can find it, you can easily change it. Now, a change like this is not going to have an immediate effect on improving your analytics but within a few weeks, you’re likely to experience a turn in the tide.
There are many very basic reasons for why your website might be dying as well. For example, if your website is not adaptable to mobile environments and is not mobile responsive, that could present as a huge problem. Today, there are more users tapping into mobile devices to browse online than desktops. Alternatively, maybe your website is filled with typos, irrelevant links, inaccurate information, or inappropriate images or video that do not match up to your brand. There are many things that can turn off a visitor.
Also, if you’ve recently invested in a digital marketing strategy to turn the tides and you’re not generating the results you expected, you may have to recognize the strategy chosen is not right for your company. In fact, this is common. Many companies are missing out on key pieces of digital marketing strategy which can make or break a campaign.
As we stated earlier, if you’re not growing, it’s only a matter of time before you’ll be dying. Websites need to constantly be building an audience, getting clicks, gathering leads, and generating conversions. If you have a dying website on your hands, be thorough in diagnosing where the problem is and fix it. After you’ve evaluated your website, social media, and marketing, the next step is to get aggressive in finding visitors, users, and customers. Speak to a digital marketing expert at Unlimited Exposure today and invest in a smart, results-driven strategy that won’t quit.