5 Social Media Campaigns that Attracted Customers and saw Big Results
Others’ social media campaigns are where you can learn a lot about how certain marketing strategies work and how they can be adapted to your brand. The power of social media is undisputable. After all, 78 percent of businesses have a dedicated team working their social media. If you haven’t figured out how to maximize your campaign and achieve your social media goals, here are five successful social media campaigns to pull inspiration from.
Red Bull
Using Instagram, Red Bell sought to increase brand awareness and extend the brand to new audience segments. They specifically targeted the selling of their ‘Summer Edition’ energy drink through Instagram color-coded filters portraying lifestyle events in the summer. They then connected this filter with the product. Red Bull routinely jumped on several summer-related hashtags as well. The result – 1.2 million consumers reached. When you leverage the massive audience on a platform like Instagram, the results are real.
Tvibes allows users to create their own TV channel using their collection of mobile videos. Using Facebook, TVibes sought to develop loyal, engaged users. To accomplish this, they integrated Facebook into their website and app. They also made use of mobile app install ads, sorted the audience according to the response to video ads, and continually optimized their campaign. The result – a 20 percent increase in engagement and a 50 percent increase in app installations.
Dacia is a European-based car manufacturer who used Facebook to generate leads and cultivate brand awareness. Dacia used boosted posts as a means of advertising across their best three car models. They completed sufficient ad testing to ensure the right users were being targeted and they optimized their marketing’s impact based on where client were in the sales cycle. The result – a 45 percent reduction in costs-per-lead.
Glu is a smartphone game publisher who used Instagram and Facebook to increase app installations. In particular, the company sought to increase the number of installs for their Diner Dash game. Partnering with different influencers and foodie accounts on both social media platforms, Glu created photo ads to be posted across these accounts. They also targeted an audience of women between ages 18-45. The result – a 39 percent increase in follows on Instagram and more than 800,000 impressions throughout the campaign.
Girl Scouts
A few years ago, Girl Scouts USA used Twitter to drive app downloads, through an advertisement which allowed users to instantly download and open the organization’s official app direct from Twitter. Through targeted research and app testing, an attractive series of basic social media marketing messages were developed highlighting the app download. The result – almost 20,000 app installations from Twitter.
These 5 social media campaigns are easier said than done. To achieve what some brands hope to achieve in social media marketing, it can take a lot of time, some money, and a heck of a lot of effort. Just because you’re spending on this advertising as well, there’s no guarantee of a successful campaign. If you’re venturing into the world of social media for the first time or are looking to up your game, Unlimited Exposure would like to help. As social media marketing experts, we can help target the right audience, generate the right leads, and increase your brand awareness within days. Before planning your next campaign, connect with one of our experts!