Why the Rise of New Social Media Platforms can be Important to new Businesses
New social media platforms are popping up every day, by the dozens, and although they don’t necessarily hold big audiences yet, smaller and trendier platforms might be just what a brand needs to find their target audience.
Let’s not forget, in 2002, LinkedIn launched as one of the first social media sites and was alone in the marketplace at the time. Since then, we’ve seen sites like Snapchat rise like it did in 2016 trending at a faster growth rate than anything the Internet’s seen before and building a base of hundreds of millions of users. Then, there are brands like Etsy who got in early on a growing platform, which in this case was Pinterest and used pinning images on the social media platform to motivate a growth rate of 20 percent week over week for several months. The point of all this is that there are opportunities out there for social media platforms to capitalize on new, under-developed social sites. Needless to say, massive success could be awaiting you, just around the corner!
As social media sites are always moving up and down with user base growth, we recommend checking out some of the mid-range social sites that aren’t as popular as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and others. Don’t get us wrong – Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and similar platforms are immensely important. They carry with them huge audiences. That said, it’s difficult to cut through the noise there. So to make it easier, mid-range social media sites like Tumblr, Snapchat, Twitter’s live video streaming app Periscope, Pinterest, and others can absolutely serve a purpose. Assuming you find it’s appropriate to your target audience and not a complete disconnect with your brand, selecting one or two mid-sized platforms to exploit is one social media marketing strategy to weigh.
As for new, innovative platforms, these can be more difficult to predict as to their future. Don’t invest a tremendous amount of time into developing branding on smaller, newer platforms however it doesn’t hurt to create a profile, get out a blog post, and connect with the audience that’s there.
Although we can recommend a handful of growing new social media sites, in a month, the list could be entirely different and so, we don’t want to promote anyone's direct platform. That said, there are seemingly thousands of niche social platforms, specific to different audiences and industries. They are generally less competitive than widely available social sites and can be a great way to getting your products or services into the hands of customers.
Social media’s always getting bigger and there are new opportunities presenting themselves almost every day. On a regular rotation – whether that’s bi-monthly or quarterly – it doesn’t hurt to investigate whether there’s more social media opportunities out there for you. To maximize efforts, it takes research and knowledge of how to appeal to the audience on platforms like these.
Unlimited Exposure are social media marketing experts, with an advanced skillset in digital marketing, eCommerce, video marketing, and SEO. If you think you’re not getting what you should be from your social media presence, contact a representative today. Let’s grow your brand, together. The rewards out there are sizeable for brands who approach social media intelligently, with a little luck, and with the right strategies. Connect with Unlimited Exposure, the ultimate social media marketing partner. Join us today!