7 Secrets to Selling your eCommerce Products to Customers on Social Media

7 Secrets to Selling your eCommerce Products to Customers on Social Media

Selling eCommerce on social media, you have a lot of competition. The challenge in addition to elevating yourself above your competitors is also how to sell to a group that doesn’t want to be sold to and which are not on these platforms for this reason. Well, here are 7 secrets we consider to be essentials to doing eCommerce marketing on social media.


Customers want to be spoken to as people – not numbers. This is true not only on social media but in any sort of digital marketing or customer service interaction. As you respond to customers, use their name, be positive, and be authentic. If you have the information available, pull up their record. Reference their past history with the company or make recommendations based on what you know.

Listen to customers.

Social media marketing relies on brands listening to its customers. Respond to direct questions and complaints, and interact with those who are trying to get in touch. Social listening tools targeting mentions and inquiries on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and other platforms will help monitor and track your presence on social channels.

Being responsive.

On social media, take into account that your brand is available 24/7 to anyone who wants to interact with it. The more responsive you are to comments, likes, and shares, the better. If the resources are available, set up a customer service line to respond to comments and messages on your page preferably within 1 hour or a little more.

Seamless multi-channel experience.

Social media marketing will typically exist over two or more platforms. Multi-channel digital marketing has got to maintain the same look and feel across each. Also, you’ve got to be attentive to managing customer inquiries and expectations of customer service coming from each. For example, if a customer sends you a Twitter message, you want to avoid advising them to email you your concerns. Solve it right there and then, on the platform of the customer’s choosing.

Brand and product knowledge.

Build your brand, products, and/or services knowledge to where you can relay this information back to customers faster and more efficiently. This can help cut down on social media response times. Consider making a document outlining features and benefits, accessible to those managing your social media presence online.

Solicit feedback.

Don’t hesitate to ask for feedback. Provide the customer with an opportunity to fill out a survey. Give them the opportunity to pass on praise, concerns, and comments. This is all data you can use to better run your social media presence.

Handling complaints.

Customers who use social media to vent their frustrations can have a severe negative impact on any eCommerce company. Regardless, you can use this to your advantage. Be responsive and open up a conversation. No matter the problem, go out of your way to solve it. Other customers will see the effort you invest in your customer service and this will be re-assuring. This is how to use a complaint to turn a negative into a positive.

Speak with a social media marketing expert from Unlimited Exposure and maximize every customer service channel. Feature products and your brand favorably, and build your eCommerce social media presence one like and follow at a time. Digital channels are there to be used. Let’s use them!