Do you want Better eCommerce Sales – Use These 6 Techniques to Get it Done
Persuading a customer to buy your product on eCommerce is the ultimate objective in digital marketing campaigns in this category. How is this done most effectively though, from a time, effort, and cost perspective – this is a question a lot of websites chase after. Through the following eCommerce digital marketing strategies, one can improve their conversion rates, increase consumer confidence, and achieve trust with your brand name.
Customer recommendations
Turn your customer reviews and testimonials on-site into recommendations relevant to the buyer. If you don’t have many reviews as of yet, consider recommendations as a substitute. Products with fewer reviews online tend to be purchased less because the perception’s there that they don’t have many customers or that there’s a reason these products are avoided. The more you can recommend, the more likely you can upsell or cross-sell.
User-generated content
User-generated content is a great resource for eCommerce websites. Connecting potential customers to reviews, testimonials, and customer-generated information helps to grow your brand. Although it can be hard to find and integrate into an eCommerce platform, once you have momentum and after customers have an incentive to leave a review on-site, this can provide significant value.
FAQs area tremendous way to build content marketing and SEO, while also to elevate sales. Answer commonly asked questions about your products and be proactive in anticipating what the customer will want to know.
More dynamic customer reviews
Although we can all appreciate a 5-star rating and quick comment system, make your review system into something more. Allow users to search reviews, if you have many to look at. Allow users to filter based on star rating. If there are negative reviews on your website, respond to them. Prospective customers will see this and feel, even if there’s an issue with a product, customer service can help. These dynamic, filter-based eCommerce review sections can be important to getting a customer from thinking about buying to making the commitment to buy.
Third-party support
Are you working organizations or community members, well-known celebrities or brands, or influencers – feature them on-site. Find ways to mention them in blogs or feature video testimonials direct on product pages. Add logos, images of sponsors or awards, and add press mentions. Anything you can do to connect the buyer with a brand or name they know and trust can help to legitimize your eCommerce site while also getting them comfortable enough to buy.
Transactional pop-ups
On eCommerce sites, transactional pop-ups displaying customer testimonials and reviews, recommended purchases, and social media activity can be effective at establishing trust and legitimacy. These are all highly influential to a customer making a purchasing decision. Curate content in these pop-ups that you know will be most helpful and relevant to a site visitor.
Regardless of whether it’s B2B or B2C, eCommerce digital marketing provides influence and impact over conversion rates, sales growth, and more. Partner with Unlimited Exposure, the experts in digital marketing to find out more about the strategies and opportunities available to your eCommerce brand. These are just 6 techniques to sell more with eCommerce. There are dozens of others. Find them out today and connect with a partner who can help grow your sales significantly in the days, weeks, months, and years ahead!