The Best Video Marketing Platforms to Share your Videos, Get Clicks, and turn it all into Profits
Improve the effectiveness of your digital marketing strategy by targeting the most successful, trending video marketing platforms in the world. As consumers are moving to video in big numbers, a lot of tomorrow’s marketing is likely to be centered on these platforms. Here are a few statistics to keep in mind, if you’re interested in video marketing.
Video accounts for 80 average of all consumer-based global Internet traffic.
Including the word ‘video’ in the subject of an email marketing message increases view-rate by 19 percent on average.
Slightly less than 50 percent of all Google searches are for videos relating to a product or service.
Video can be used to deliver a wide range of messaging, from showing a product works to featuring customer testimonials, sharing the story of your brand, and more. Equal to digital marketing in SEO and social media, video marketing is a strong customer-centric strategy for this year and beyond. Here are a few of the video-sharing platforms we recommend considering.
Facebook Video
Facebook Video is a developing video marketing platform however it holds a lot of promise. Facebook’s very focused on developing the video side of its platform and for brands willing to publish videos, there may be a lot of reward for them in doing so. Facebook has billions of users and outside of YouTube, is the most powerful video consumption platform there is. Absolutely consider this if you already have a business account set up.
YouTube is the top video marketing platform in the world. It’s where people share, comment, like, and subscribe on the daily. YouTube is the originator of video marketing with a number of advantages, including having the most consumers there on-site. YouTube video is also easily embedded onto any existing website or in emails which makes it easy to host the video directly on YouTube and then, sharing it as you please across other sites.
Instagram is the fastest growing social media site in the world, with more than 1 billion monthly active accounts. There are many reasons to use Instagram for video marketing, including it’s an excellent place to be discovered, consumers love Instagram video which means it’s easy to consume, the Instagram feed is perfect for video, Instagram Stories are increasingly popular, and more.
Another option to host your video on is Wistia. Using Wistia for video marketing, you can host your videos here and integrate them on social media platforms like Twitter rather easily. You’ll also receive an excellent analytics package with Wistia which can be beneficial to learning more about who’s watching your video and where they are in the world.
Snapchat is still going strong in 2019 even if a lot of its’ shine has worn off. Snapchat has a very young user base, with the vast majority of users being in their 30s or younger. For local businesses, Snapchat can be a fun way to connect with a younger crowd. That said, videos are only 10 seconds long or less and are generally very short.
Video on Instagram, Facebook, YouTube, and other platforms are an excellent way to gain exposure. Get yourself a highly effective video marketing campaign from Toronto’s own Unlimited Exposure today.