How to Successfully Approach the 7 Top Social Media Channels with your Digital Marketing
Creating content for social media marketing for most companies is one-size-fits-all. You may be cutting down on the effectiveness of your digital marketing by doing this, however. Each social media platform has its own audience, rules, and trend on content engagement. Not every platform is equal to the next.
Building your social media strategy, approach each platform as if it’s its own unique digital marketing channel. Depending on where your target audience is, some may be more appropriate than others. Also, if your brand is naturally inclined to produce a certain type of content, you may be better suited to sticking to a specific social platform. For example, Twitter is very journalism-heavy and ideal for short text-based messaging while photos and videos are better suited to Instagram. Here are some general rules to social media marketing.
Snapchat’s popularity is not what it once was but it is still very strong among younger people. Many businesses may not use this social platform as it doesn’t carry their audience nor is it the appropriate platform to produce content for. Snapchat’s a more intimate one-on-one connection and so posts usually focus on being more candid, intimate, or animated. For brands aiming for younger audiences, this might be one way to go about finding leads.
YouTube is based around the video which can range from ‘entertainment’ to ‘learning’. Video marketing on YouTube generally focuses on everything from how-to instruction to list-based videos, collaborations with other users, and sharing information. For some companies, YouTube’s perfect to help sell products by explaining what a product is and how to helps its intended audience. Instead of a video focused on ‘selling’, focus on the lifestyle of the customer your product or service can improve.
Facebook is unquestionably the world’s social media powerhouse, with billions of active users. Users on Facebook are looking to connect with others and they enjoy sharing how they feel or what they’re doing. Capitalize on this by producing emotional-driven content looking for likeminded users. Please note emotional content can include uplifting, sad, fear, or outrage based messaging.
The trendiest social media platform in the world is Instagram, specializing in photo and video. Instagram’s social platform where consumers like to observe. Instagram marketing content should focus on what’s trendy, lifestyle, and desires.
Twitter marketing is used by consumers to monitor what the conversation in the marketplace is. Twitter is perfect for live events, news discussions, politics, opinions, and ideologies. Twitter’s an excellent way to participate in cultural conversations and to hopefully drive a part of this conversation back to your site where leads can be converted into customers.
Pinterest is all about a user’s aspirations. Users will go on Pinterest to find designs, styles, arrangements, and recipes. Pinterest, similar to Instagram, is all about the visual. Any brand with products or services that work well in photos and images, Pinterest’s a great social site.
Reddit is the world’s #1 crowdsource forum platform. It’s a social media site where entire communities can be found, segmented by region, age, gender, interest, and more. Reddit users go here for news on specialized topics, niches, and more. Reddit is an underrated digital marketing platform but using it can have great rewards.
For more information on social media marketing and how to succeed with your brand on platforms like Instagram, talk with an expert today at Unlimited Exposure.