What Social Media Statistics Can I Use To Get More Likes, Shares, And Comments?

What Social Media Statistics Can I Use To Get More Likes, Shares, And Comments?

Social media is a hotbed of activity. For brands looking to capture clicks and generate leads, there are pages, hashtags, and conversations of every interest and topic one can imagine. Demographics vary platform to platform as does behaviour. Social media statistics tell us a lot about how to interact on these sites as well as how to exploit algorithms and maximize organic reach.

To get more likes, shares, follows, and comments from your marketing, here are social media statistics you will want to know.

How Many Social Media Users Are There?

Globally, there are approximately 4.9 billion individuals who actively engage with social media platforms, which accounts for around 60.49% of the entire global population. It is anticipated that this number will rise to 5.85 billion by the year 2027. Among all the social media platforms, Facebook is the largest one, boasting a staggering user base of approximately 3.03 billion individuals. Furthermore, it is worth noting that the worldwide penetration rate for social networking stands at an impressive rate of about 59.4%.

How Much Social Media Use Is Mobile?

According to recent data, over 83% of all social media use is on mobile devices. For a social campaign, targeting mobile users on smartphones and tablets is recommended over desktop platforms. With every year, desktop usage shrinks.

How Many People Use Facebook?

Facebook marketing is where a lot of big bucks get spent and brands get made. Approx. 67% of Americans have a Facebook account, with the average age of a US Facebook user being 41 years old. It skews older, compared to Instagram and TikTok which tend to play to younger demographics.

Should I Have A Facebook Chatbot?

There are more than 300,000 Facebook chatbots in use online. These offer advice, direct comments, and field inquiries, while helping brands coordinate inquiries in a timely manner. Chatbots are becoming fairly routine and are very efficient on social media sites like Facebook and others.

Are You Irritating Your Social Media Followers?

A recent study shares 51% of social media users are ready to unfollow accounts if they feel their behaviour is irritating. To this point, make sure every post has value. Respond to messages and comments. Spread positive messaging in your posts. Have a friendly tone. If you are seeing unfollows happening in a trend, you know you’re doing something wrong.

How Many People Use YouTube?

We don’t often think of YouTube as a social media platform but it very much is. It’s also among the biggest, if not the biggest in the world. Approx. 81% of the US adult population are regular YouTube users. When it comes to video, it is by far the best video marketing platform with the ability to embed videos across other social media sites as well.

What Social Media Sites Have The Most Young People?

Young people, i.e. those aged 25 and younger, use sites like Instagram and TikTok instead of more antiquated social platforms such as Facebook. It is YouTube surprisingly, that is one of the most used platforms by younger people, with 77% of its total user population being in the 15-35 demographic.

Text, Images, Or Video: What’s Most Likely to Get Shared?

Text-only posts are a rarity on social media these days. Including an image or video with anything you post is a good practice. Including a video or image in a text-based social media post increases the chances of it being shared by more than 150%.

What Is The Worst Social Media Platform ROI?

Social media ROI is difficult to measure on any site because there are so many metrics one can choose to go by. While sites like Facebook and Instagram typically offer the best social media ROI, it is Twitter that is often considered by marketers to be the worst. Despite this, Twitter is considered to be among the most effective at getting updates and information out quickly and to the people.

Why Is Facebook So Unpopular?

Facebook has been on the decline since sometime around 2017. It’s been plagued with accusations surrounding political partisanship, and data breaches, and Facebook is generally seen as old news. Double-digit percentages in the past year are either taking a break from Facebook, deleting the app from their phones or have permanently closed their accounts.

Should I Still Have A Facebook Page For My Brand?

Despite the users who have left Facebook, the platform still boasts 2.32 billion active monthly users making it the biggest social media site in the world. As an online marketing resource, it is still precious. In short, yes, you should absolutely have a business page on Facebook regardless of the trends. Facebook is still a very big deal in the social media landscape.

What Is Each Social Media Platform’s Strategy For 2021?

Social media platforms stay popular just like any other brand by marketing themselves. Social platforms have to adjust to user behaviour and shift to new trends, just like you. Here are some of the most significant changes done on social media platforms in 2021 and perhaps a preview of what’s to come.

Instagram has said it’s no longer interested in being a photo-sharing app. The team at Instagram has unveiled several strategies targeting 4 distinct areas – creators’ content, video sharing, online shopping, and messaging.

Facebook continues to create waves by developing new apps, such as the newsletter Bulletin app, and Facebook Neighborhoods, in an attempt to continue adapting to worldwide trends and behaviours.

Twitter has struggled to continue its momentum in recent years and in 2021, launched subscription service Twitter Blue making it possible to tip creators using the Tip Jar feature.

TikTok has taken aim at YouTube and other video-sharing platforms with a 3-minute video testing out new waters for a site that is still notorious for having concise videos in a particular style.

Snapchat has aimed to be a go-to platform for creators, with gifting, a new marketplace, and augmented reality shopping tools all being key aspects of its current branding strategy.

Which Is Social Media Moving Into Hardware?

Facebook is very clear about where it sees itself heading in the next decade. Hardware and wearables. They have sold millions of Oculus VR units and Portal devices and have made strong investments in delivering a future where AR and AI are central to interactions on the platform. Although brands don’t need to be ready for that today, it’s a strong strategy to craft AR applications and initiatives that are more engagement-based than promo.

Is TikTok Or Instagram More Popular?

TikTok has 1.1 billion monthly users. Instagram also has approx. 1.1 billion active monthly users. TikTok’s growth in the past year has far exceeded that of Instagram and other platforms. In targeting younger demographics, arguably, either of these two sites can provide a significant return.

What Is The Best TikTok And Instagram Marketing Strategy?

The best ROI on TikTok marketing is with influencers. For Instagram, it’s the same. Macro and micro-influencers with big followings dominate these platforms. For brands rolling out campaigns, this is a sure way to let a younger audience know what’s happening.

Is Social Media A Customer Service Channel?

A recent study suggests approx. 34% of people would rather interact with customer service through social media than over the phone. If you are accessible on social media, capitalize by using it as a customer service channel. Your users will adore you for it!

What Is Metaverse?

‘Metaverse’ is a concept that soon social media users can create digital avatars of themselves and interact in virtual environments where there is no extended separation between ‘online content’ and ‘user’. Metaverse, in a sense, is social media in virtual reality. It is likely the future of social media marketing and an area that we, as digital marketers, are very interested in seeing develop. From Facebook to the best in AI, there are all sorts of players in creating the Metaverse.

Keep in mind, that the key to achieving success in your online marketing endeavours lies in collaborating with a trustworthy marketing firm that comprehends your business objectives and possesses the necessary skills to execute impactful strategies. By assembling a proficient team from a reliable digital marketing company, you can establish dominance in the virtual realm and attain long-lasting expansion for your company's website.

Apply these social media statistics to your next digital marketing campaign in Toronto.  Visit our website, leave a message or speak with a digital marketer today at Unlimited Exposure.  We can assist you with your web development, social media marketing and SEO in Toronto.