Must have Marketing Tools for smooth ride in 2016

marketing toolsThe growing power and new emerging trends of social media and other interactive channels compel the marketers to change the marketing strategies and practices accordingly. The rapid change in consumers’ behavior makes the online marketing a complex involving affair. Even the good performing websites get the sudden set back in ranking and conversion rate leaving the marketers to probe the reasons. Thanks to some easily available online marketing tools that will help you glide smooth in 2016.

Categorizing Marketing Tools To Audit Ranking Factors:

Auditing and updating the marketing strategy is a continuous process because you never know the time, reason and the area of setback. The major ranking factors that you must know and essentially map for recovery include: keyword analysis; rankings; content ideas; link building, link removal and technical SEO. Although keywords analysis is the fundamental practice in any marketing plan but the ranking of some keywords get affected by the change in consumer behavior or the change in target area. All the major updates are designed for content quality improvement; so, the periodic content audit becomes important. Link building and poor link removal are covered under SEO but only the premium or customized SEO packages include links audit services . Automated SEO tools deliver accurate reports to guide you for better planning.

Automated Marketing Tools for 2016 Marketing Strategy:

Ubersuggest and SEMrush are free keywords suggestion tools to help you update the target keywords list. Term Explorer and SEMrush keywords suggestion tools help you to understand the competition level also. SEMrush and Google Search Console are the popular free tools to monitor the ranking of website for particular keyword. Outdated Content Finder and Yoast WordPress Plugin are free tools to check the current effectiveness of content in existing internet marketing environment. Buzzsumo is also an effective but paid tool for content quality check. When we talk about link audit, I always list Moz SEO Toolbar at top of my favorites; it lets you compare links metrics, create custom search, links & keywords highlighting and see page elements in one glance. Google's Penguin algorithm has made it compulsory to remove the low quality links; and, my favorite free tool for link removal is Google’s Disavow Tool.

So, leave the clouds of ranking uncertainty back in 2015, and, Welcome 2016 as a confident rank warrior.