Why Does Keyword Research Matter to your Business’ Digital Marketing Success

Why Does Keyword Research Matter to your Business’ Digital Marketing Success

Keyword research is crucial to success in digital marketing across search engines and social media. By narrowing down which keywords you wish to focus on in your content marketing, you can begin guiding the conversation about your business. How to do keyword research and to get the best set of keywords at any given time, it requires some heavy lifting. Determining what your audience wants, thinks, and feels is not always clear. The businesses that know their audience well though are sure to succeed in the digital marketing field.

Keywords are used everywhere we go, throughout sales, marketing, advertising, and communications. They play a tremendous role in a website’s success. Though any person can write out a list of keywords to target, it takes a lot more looking to find the right keywords for a brand. By not doing enough keyword research before you begin on a website design or digital marketing campaign, it can leave a website struggling to generate real results.

If you don’t know what a keyword is, go to Google. Let’s say you want to search for a realtor in Toronto. Take note of the words you use to search for it. Whatever you type into the search bar, that’s a keyword. Keywords can be short or long, they can be a combination of words and phrases, and they can be a question. For a website building out a set of keywords, it’s important to keep in mind that they must be relevant to your target audience and relevant to what you want to represent. After all, it’s these keywords that will provide a direct connection between customers and your business.

Back to the search engine scenario again, you’re website is on the other end of the equation now. When a user inputs a keyword identical or similar to yours, ideally, your website will pop up. The better that your website uses said keyword in its content, the more likely it is to pop up near the top of such a query. Therefore, an entire website needs to be optimized around a set of keywords to help provide connection between prospective customers and your brand.

There are several keyword planning tools available online, some free and some paid. These are a great start to research various keywords. The keywords you have should correlate to your brand as well as to specific products and services. In many cases, you may find keywords that have untapped potential that are not being used by your competitors. You may also find localized, geographic-specific keywords that are good for building local business off of. You’re also likely to find some keywords with high competition. When building out a list of keywords, these are all things to keep in mind. Relevancy, search volume, and competition are all important!

If you need help in choosing the most relevant, best keywords for your brand, we would love to help. As experienced digital marketing experts, Unlimited Exposure has the resources needed to develop a good collection of keywords to be used across SEO, email marketing, social media, and more. Through putting keywords to use, one can generate real results in lead generation, conversion, and sales. Contact Unlimited Exposure today to speak with a representative for more information.