4 Ways to use Facebook Marketing to Increase Audience using Paid and Organic

4 Ways to use Facebook Marketing to Increase Audience using Paid and Organic

As a beginner to Facebook marketing, it can be easy to send a ton of money down the wrong path. If you’re serious about generating real results using Facebook, you’ve got to master both organic and paid reach. These days, more than 70 percent of digital marketers are using Facebook to build an audience. For 47 percent of all marketers, they call Facebook their #1 influence on purchases. There’s no disputing it’s got significant power. Make the most of your Facebook marketing and read on.

The limitations of organic Facebook marketing.

‘Organic’ is the number of people one can reach with their Facebook marketing through unpaid distribution. Over the years, organic reach on Facebook has diminished severely. When a brand publishes posts, it’s only going to reach a percentage of your audience. That said, if you don’t have much of a budget, organic Facebook marketing can still have someplace. Be strategic with what you post and know it will only reach a certain percentage of your followers. If those followers like comment, and share, however, organic reach begins to expand exponentially with each interaction.

Keeping Facebook followers engaged.

Any time you post on Facebook, if you’re not creating engagement, you’re losing the possibility of engagement. What we mean by this is no post can be wasted. Know the purpose of each post and its selling proposition. In addition to posting high-quality content, think about using competitions or surveys to keep conversations around your brand. Add images or videos to posts to enhance your visual impact. Respond to comments or questions. Do what you need to do to cultivate ongoing dialogue in your social media interactions.

Targeting your messaging for the right customers.

Using Facebook Insights, you can be provided with a lot of data on who’s seeing and engaging with your posts. You can target messaging to subsets of your audience as well, using Insights as a guide. For example, let’s say you’ve written a piece of content on women’s clothing. You evidently don’t want that article going out to men. That’s a waste of an impression. So thereby, you want to target. Select options like gender, relationship status, location, interests, and more. As soon as you publish, rest assured knowing your ad will be seen by the right people.

Paid Facebook Advertising.

Paid Facebook ads are a part of doing marketing on Facebook these days. As organic reach continues to decline, the best option for a brand to reach an audience is through paid marketing. Paid advertising allows you to target Facebook users who have not liked your page and they also provide you the chance to boost published posts according to audience type, budget, and duration of your boost. Comparatively, paid Facebook advertising has tenfold the amount of value as organic reach does. For large audience growth in a short period of time, paid advertising is where attention needs to focus.

For more exciting Facebook marketing ideas and to increase your Facebook page’s engagement, see top tips from Unlimited Exposure. Speak with a social media marketing expert and propel yourself to your greatest success yet on social media. No matter one’s budget, if you know where to put it, you can see big returns. Sign up with Unlimited Exposure today. We promise real results. Join us today!