What You Didn’t Know About Samsung

Standing proudly among the ranks of Microsoft, Google, and Apple is Samsung, an electronics company with nearly eighty years of history. Samsung originally exported goods solely to China and South Korea, but as time passed, it grew into the well-known tech behemoth it is today.

To achieve its $305 billion earnings, Samsung employs approximately 489,000 people simultaneously, beating out Microsoft, Google, and Apple collectively. The company also spent a whopping $14.1 billion on research in 2015, while Apple spent less than half that amount. This may be related to the fact that Samsung produces hundreds of millions of iPhone CPU chips for Apple, all for the 4, 4s, 5, and 5s models.

For every three smartphones sold, one is a Samsung model. In addition to selling phones and phone parts, the company sells televisions at a global rate of almost two per second. Its impressive 95.8% share in the AMOLED display sector of the market and supervision of eighty total enterprises certainly help it stand out.

Samsung’s logo has undergone a total of five transformations over the years, but that’s not the only thing that’s changed. To improve the quality of its electronics, Samsung decided to destroy 150,000 of its devices in 1995 to kickstart a company revolution. One year later, the business introduced its SCH-100 phone, which happened to be the first CDMA phone on the market.

The company followed up their 1996 achievement with the first ever watch phone, released in 1998. Furthermore, Samsung’s little-known construction divisions have created fighter jets, helicopters, skyscrapers, and heavy weaponry. It also owns Everland, South Korea’s biggest amusement park.

It’s amazing to think that Samsung started as a small, forty-employee startup, working out of Su-dong in 1938. The company took a step in the right direction from the very beginning, and its massive success was well-earned.